Drawing 1


12,9, colored pencils and chalk. 2021

When I was thinking about what I wanted to draw I though oh wy not a pair of shoes. One of my friends suggested that I draw some yeezys which are Kanye west shoes. My inspiration for this work is a pair of Yeezy’s. First I had to sketch it on a half-sized piece of paper. I wanted to see how it would actually look drawn. Then I need to sketch it on my final paper in light pencil so that it could be erased. I had to measure with my ruler and center the box on the paper and make sure my lines where straight. After I was ready to go with the pencils. I then had it done at least I thought it was done. I needed to make a background and color the box. Ans that’s when I used the chalk. There’s nothing really special about this artwork except that I like shoes and I wanted to draw a pair. I had some struggles while drawing. It was difficult for me to get the letters how I wanted. I needed them to be the same size and the same space apart which was hard. I spaced them better when I measured where I was supposed to put the letters. I would say this art is sort of realistic because its just a drawing of a show on a shoe box. This fits my style because of what the drawing is. I really like the background and hows the blue isn’t all solid.