Remi Ruggeberg   "Blue Pitcher"

3x3.5x4 clay, texture tool, glaze, needle tool

We were asked to make a pitcher for one of our ceramics projects. So my idea was to create a small pitcher that could be used to water small plants. My progress for creating this pitcher was first rolling moist clay into a small circle. Second I rolled the clay out with a rolling pin and used a texture tool to create texture in the clay. Next, I formed and shape my pitcher into the shape I wanted. Then I added a little handle to my pitcher, to allow an easier grip to the pitcher. When I thought my pitcher was all put together, I put it in the kiln to be fired. After being fired I sanded down the rough edges. Lastly, I glazed my pitcher will a dark blue color. The most difficult part of making this pitcher was adding the spout. I had to start over multiple times with the spout. If I were to start over I probably would choose a different texture tool for my art piece. The style of this art piece is realism because it is a pitcher and a real thing. 


clay, wheel, glaze, clay tools 

We were asked to create pottery on the wheel for a ceramics project. I created a few bowls for this project. My process for these bowls was first wedging clay. After wedging I placed the clay in the center of the wheel. Next, I began to shape the clay and center it with my hands, I did this by using my hand's force to create a shape. After getting the clay to the shape I wanted I used a tool to get it off the wheel. Then the clay was fired in the kiln. When the clay was done fired I sanded it down. Lastly, I glazed all the bowls I created on the wheel. The most difficult part of using the wheel for these bowls was making sure the sides of the bowls were all even. I had to restart my bowls multiple times because I really struggled with getting the sides even or somewhat even. If I were to start over with all of these bowls I would probably make them a different shape. The style of these bowls is realism because they are all real things. 


clay, glaze, clay tools

We were asked to create and chip and dips bowl. I decided that I wanted one of the bowls to be a cool shape so I made it into a heart shape. My process for creating these bowls was first wedging clay. Second I began to shape the clay into the shapes I wanted. After my bowls were in the shape that I wanted I brought the bowl to the kiln to be fired. After the bowls were fired I sanded down the bowls. Lastly, I glazed the bowls to the colors I wanted them to be. The most difficult part of creating these bowls was getting a good shape for the second bowl. I struggled many times to get the sides to be even. If I were to start over I would completely redo my second bowl because I don't really like how the bowl turned out. The style of these bowls is realism because they are both real bowls. 

stop motion.mov

Stop Motion Video 

Addie and I wanted to create our stop motion based off of one of our favorite songs. So we decided to base this project off of the song After The Storm by Tyler The creator, and Kali Uchis. The meaning of the song is that after difficult times things will improve. We show this in our video by after having the storm come out and then blows away and turn into a beautiful day.