Painting 2

Reagan Hofer "Coffee Shop"

10", 16", Object / Baseline, 2023

For our baseline project we were assigned to paint an object, that morning before class I went a got a coffee from the Summit Cafe. So when I looked at my coffee sitting on the table my mind went straight to that. There was a lot going on in the background so I decided just to make it sitting on a counter in a cute cafe with a fun wallpaper in the background. I started my process by doing the wallpaper and the counter first. Then I painted the coffee cup, then the lid, and then the coffee sleeve. The next class I went back and did the designs on the wallpaper to make it more ascetic. If I had to change one thing I think that I would add some detail in the wooden counter, it is very plain right now and it is not very realistic. My favorite part about the painting is the sleeve on the coffee cup because it is detailed and you can easily tell what it is. 

Reagan Hofer "Flowers By Me" (in progress)

10",10", identity / collage, 2023

For my first painting I wanted to start off with painting something that I realy enjoyed which is flowers. That went very well with my identity painting because I don't just life painting flowers, I love flowers. I have flowers all over my bed room at home and in the summertime I have a flower garden. I also thought that this idea went very will with a collage because I found a whole book with just flowers in it to use in my painting. The first thing that I did was my name in the middle and the flower vines surrounding it because I wanted to get my painting centered first. Then I went in the flower book and cut out some ones that I really enjoyed. I guled those on first then painted my flowers around them. I am not done yet and still have a lot of spaces to fill but in the end I would like it to all be covered in flowers. 

Reagan Hofer "Peace Tree

10",12", lesson, 2023

For my "lesson" piece, I really wanted to do something that I would like to impliment into my life and something that everyone can do. I chose do paint a tree with a sunset in the background and nothing else because I wanted it to represent peace and calmness on its own. I think that if the painting had anything else in it, it would take away from the whole painting. I first started by creating the sunset in the background which was a lot of trial and error. I wanted the colors to blend nicely with eachother but couldn't get the right porportions of colors, I would have either to much or to little of a color. But I finally got it the right way and I am happy with the results. Then I created the partial moon, I wish that I would have made it smaller and a little darker to blend in with the rest of the painting a little more. But I created a dark grey moon than took darker and lighter shades of that same grey and dabbed it on with a paper towel to create some texture. Lastly, I created the tree, I started with the trunk and went from there. I added the lower branches first then went up. I wanted it to be some what even and circle up to the top. I am very happy with the results. I think that my favorite part about the painting would be the sunset because it looks really good coming through the branches . 

Reagan Hofer "Student Debt"

10", 12", social issue, 2023

For my "social issue" painting I really wanted to paint something that applies to me or at least will in the close future. I decided to paint student debt because I am going to college next fall and when I graduate 4 years later this is what I will have to look forward to. I started with the tan background because I want a very boring feeling for the background and a color that will compliment the others. I decided to paint the grad cap red because the colors of the college I am going to are also red. Then I added papers as the top of the grad cap to represent student load bills. Then lastly I paint the tassle on top of the grad cap. I decided not to add anything else because I felt that the paint was strong enough on it's own and would get the message out clearly. If there was one that I would change it would to paint the outline of the papers thinner because it looks very bulky and not very realistic.