Painting 2

Shape painting 

Melanie Reisner "Pink Shapes"

(12x12in), object, 2024

After looking through Ideas I wanted to do something I wouldn't normally pick so I decided to do some shapes and make something different.  To do this I took tape and taped off different sizes of triangles while making sure it still looked ok and not super uneven. When I was done taping this off I mixed up many different shades of pink and got them to what I like. When I put the paint in the shapes I made sure that I didn't put the same colors next to each other and spaced it out nice. I don't think this painting symbolizes anything simply just because it shapes and has no meaning. The most difficult thing for me while doing this painting was placing the tape right and making sure the shapes looked normal and weren't all super different and the wrong sixes.I think this is more of an object painting because that's the only thing shapes would classify under. Overall I like this painting because I think it looks really neat the lines are good and straight while the colors pop and blend together really well.    

Midterm observational painting 

Melanie Reisner "Dresser"

(6x4 Inches), object, 2024 

When we were picking cards to paint I wanted something that would challenge me and this did. Even though it's simple it had lots of detail that I couldn't figure out how to recreate. To do this I used a pencil and drew out a sketch of the dresser then I decided to outline it with a dark marker so that the paint wouldn't just all blend together. After that, I mixed a paint color and tried to apply it as neatly as I could. I don't think this piece has any symbolism behind it it's just a simple drawing/painting of a dresser. The most challenging thing was making it so you could still see the lines with it covered by the paint because if you couldn't you wouldn't see any detail. I think this is an Objective painting I love that it's so simple and there is not a lot going on in the background or anything and it just focuses on the dresser. Overall this is definitely not my best work but I think if I could do it again It would look a bit better but it was fun to do and I think its pretty decent. 

Inspirational painting 

Melanie Reisner "SMILE"

(6in x 6in), 2024

When doing this painting I wanted to do something that I would not normally do. To do this I drew on the shape of the plant then went to it and started painting the background then the plant and the sun. After I was finished with that I painted the smile.  This painting symbolizes happiness and is made to spread love. The most difficult thing for me during  this was making the leaves because it was hard to get them the shape and color I was looking for. Overall I like this painting but I belive I could have done it more neat and tried a little harder.  

Landscape Painting 

Melanie Reisner "Sunset"

(6in x 6in), 2024

When picking this painting I wanted to do something simple and more of what I like to paint. To do this I started off by picking what color scheme I wanted to go with and started mixing shades. When I found the right shades I began to place them on the canvas one at a time and slowly blending them in between. When all of the colors were added I went in and added the black to be a sunset over the mountains. The hardest part of this is when the colors are placed together it can get messy and you have to make sure the colors won't mix and make colors you don't want. I think this symbolizes peace and calmness because that's what I normally think when I see a sunset. Overall I loved doing this painting and I'm really proud of it sunsets are my favorite things to paint.