
Kerrigan jefford "Sisterhood"

8.5 x 11 in, Colored Pencils, 2023

This is a picture of my newest drawing. Its of my two older sisters and I when we were young. We were between the ages of 3 and 9 in this photo I was referencing. I used many different colored pencils and layers to get the skin and shading just right. I want my audience to think of their childhood when they look at this picture. My sisters and I had no cares in the world at the time the picture was taken and I am trying my best to capture this. I love trying to make realistic art and I think with time I can become better at it but I consider this a pretty good start.  

Midterm Observational Drawing

Kerrigan Jefford "Helping Hands"

18 x 10 in, Pencils & Colored Pencils, 2023

This is sort of a random drawing I wanted to draw realistic hands and than I thought it was sort of boring so I added the color. I think it ended up very well. I used both colored and plain pencils. I also used a shading stick. 


8.5 x 11 in, Paint and Styrofoam, 2023

I'm very proud of my printmaking. I just drew out a simple flower that I thought was pretty and put a little lady bug on it. It didn't show up as clearly as I wanted it to but I think it looks good. Also, the process itself intrigued me. Using styrofoam to make art was something I never thought of before. It took me more than a couple of trys to get what I wanted but I did it. 

Kerrigan Jefford "Our world"

18 x 10 in., Magazines and Modge Podge, 2023

I didn't know what I wanted to do at first but as I was flipping through this nature magazine I wanted to do something with nature. Then the idea clicked in my head when I saw these words in this magazine, it read, "This place matters." So I collected pictures of nature like flowers, butterflys, the sky, trees, mountains, etc. I absolutely loved how this turned out. I was skeptical in the beginning because I've only ever done one or two mixed media works of art. I think it represents an important image of taking care of our world and all the beautiful things in it. 

Kerrigan Jefford "Iggy Roo" 

18 x 10 in., Pencils and Shading tools, 2023

This is my baby girl, Iggy. She is one of my two dogs and she's a little bit on the slower side and I think I really caught this in my drawing. I really saw some obstacles in this drawing. I personally am not a fan of black and white drawings because it is so difficult but I'm not hating how this turned out. It took me awhile to get her white fur down but I did it! I love my dogs to death and thats why I draw them or paint them so much. My other dog Winnie is on my painting tab.