Ceramics II

Viking Mug

2023 4 in. tall 3 1/2 in. round 

 Izzy Eastman

 My Idea was to create a mug that can be used and to be viewed 

My process started with a mold and pouring slip into it and waiting thru the class for it to harden on the edges and then pouring out extra then waiting for it to dry then firing it.

The most difficult part i think was matching the colors.

Self Portrait 

2023 12 in. tall 12 in. wide 8 in. round

 Izzy Eastman

 My Idea was to create a creature that somewhat represented me and my mixed personality with wood to represent nature from the neck down a skull jaw, human face to somewhat look like mine, and snakes for hair to represent the meaning behind medusa

My process started with making a skeleton made of tape empty tape rolls and a plastic bottle. i then added newspaper to create a structure then i started adding clay. we removed the skeleton structure and then i started to add detail to the sculpture.

The most difficult part in my opinion was trying to get everything to look even on the face.