My Idea was to make something i haven't made before and i was exploring other cultures art. I decided to do a african inspired piece and had a good idea to make a mask that showed some african designs including horns and scar dots covering the face.My Process i started out by flattening a slab of clay and had pressed it onto a styrofoam head to create my face shape. i then started to make a nose and mouth. i made eye holes and nose holes to form a mask but i wanted to hang it on the wall so i added a piece on the top to be able to hook onto a nail. i let it dry a little bit so it could stiffen up so i could remove it and work on the scar dots and horns. after i fired it i went in with glazing and glazed the horns and lips and some of the scar dots red i glazed the rest in a grey but i didn't put enough layers so it came out yellow with grey spots but i like the way it came out it makes it look aged and worn.My Struggles were the nose and mouth and trying to make everything even on the face so it had a symbol of balance i wanted this piece to be a symbol of balance of life and nature.