Ceramics I


Dwarf home on fire

2022 7 in. tall 5 in. round

 Izzy Eastman

 My idea at first was just to have a mushroom but I wanted something for it to sit on so i decided to put a tray under for jewelry and when i was done connecting everything i decided to make a door hole and windows and i created a dwarf home surrounded by fire

My process is that I started out by tracing out circles for the mushroom cap and bottom of tray then I rolled out a longish rope and carved out the inside and flailed one end "welded" it too my tray and then made a design on the stem so it wouldn't create a air pocket. At the end i created a flame like edge on my tray.

 My struggles I found that i still had to learn patience a bit more before i try and go further with my project i started to just take deep breaths and remember that not everything has to be perfect.

Chip and Dip bowl

2022 7 in. round, 3 in. round 

 Izzy Eastman

 My idea was to have something different but still the same in a way and i also wanted something floral for my design

My process is i flattened out clay then cut circles out and then I rolled a pattern on the clay and I put them on a foam ring and just dropped that just a few times on like 3-4 in. off the table to create the bowl look.

My struggles I found putting the pattern on and getting it even was really hard and glazing was difficult for me to remember where I already had glazed.

Koi pitcher

2022 6 1/2 in. tall 4 in.  long

 Izzy Eastman

 My Idea was something water related at this point i just wanted to create all my pieces with elements of the world and i also wanted to try something new with the handle and making it hollow

My process started with flattening out my clay than i cut out the pattern. When I "welded" my two edged together I shaped it the way I wanted it then I cut out a flattened piece to match the bottom of the edge and "welded" them together. I rolled out some more clay and cut a rectangle and "welded" the edges together to create a tube and "welded" the other edges down on the side of the pitcher.

The most difficult part was matching the bottom of the pitcher to the edges of the sides. i was able to take the bottom and outline around the sides so i could have a even bottom.

Little man

2022  1 in. Tall      6 in. round

Izzy Eastman

My idea was i wanted something kinda trippy but still decorative.  i also wanted a  cool item to hang on my wall.

My process was i started with a stencil and i had rolled out my clay and started to press it into the mold and let it dry out then had it fired and when glazing i had to be very careful when applying to make sure the lines between the other colors.

My Struggles were getting every little areas filled when pushing clay into the mold. i still ended up having cracks when it was done but thats ok it makes it unique.

Drippy Bowl

2022 3 1/2 in. tall 3 in. round

Izzy Eastman

My idea was to have a dish that had a drip effect to make it seem like the glaze had dripped down the edges and make it seem like its a mistake of a piece.

My process started on the pottery wheel and tried 3 times to get at least something built up enough to create a dip in the center and create the cup. I had to let it dry out when i was done and after i trimmed up the edges i put it in to be fired. then after i had sanded it then started to glaze and started with the drips first so i knew where i wanted them to be and then did the background color around the different color.

My struggle with this project was getting the clay to build up on the wheel. and starting the drips for the glaze was pretty hard too. 

Dragon Teapot

2022  5 in. tall 6 in. round

Izzy Eastman

My idea was to have a 2 sectioned teapot and have a dragon on the side to add some spice. i also wanted it to be a secret that there was a second section in the teapot.

My process I started with the bottom of the teapot and then created a wall around the bottom and i put a piece on the wall that blocked off the opening and "welded" that together next i made another wall and started to cave in the top and topped it off with another flat piece of clay. I created a handle on the side and put a hold in the wall right above the handle and right below the handle. Next I created a spout on the other side. I also started on the dragon on the side and cloud like texture on the top and edges.

My struggles were finding out the dimension to make it so the liquid pours out like its supposed.