Hailey Green's

art Portfolio  


Hailey Green


18 x 4.75 x 4. 

 paint buttons sequins chains and flowers.

 My source of inspiration was people and not just anyone in particular just people in general because of all the different faces and all the different sizes that people are. The first thing I did was paint my mask. Then a did the eyes. Then I did the lips then I did the hair. Some problems that I had where the eyes I did three different types of eyes because I could not find the right type but in the end, I just painted them on. I did not know at the time if putting on paint by to the eyes to look like eyeliner was a good idea or not but in the end, I ended up doing it anyway and it turned out great. I really like the hair because of how creative I was when making it.  If I could change something I would change the main face color because it is a little dark.

polar bear 

Hailey green 

Polar bear 


National Wildlife Federation

Paper, hot glue, oil pastels, black watercolor 

My inspiration was the polar bear from Greenland. They are threatened because of climate change and their habitat is warming also there are really well known for being hunted. There are only about 22,000 to 31,000 polar bears left in the world. The process I had to do to make this part was I had to draw out my polar bear then I had to outline with hot glue then I had to color then I had to brush over with black watercolor. I had to problem-solve when I put on the sun flacks in hot glue because I had to be careful when I colored around then I even broke snowflakes off. I put black on my polar bear witch then made a great gray that matched. I love how my polar bear turned out I think that was the best part of my whole project. I would change the color of the background.

  16 x 20 acrylic paint and canvas 2022 

Forest ray

My main idea was to create a cozy welcoming forest. We had a make a project with a background and I did mine on something that reminds me of when me and my family go on walks. 

First I pained the background a tan color and then I went in and did the tree stems multiple times with different browns then I took a flat brush and different greens to make the leaves. 

  I wanted this painting to show that I love nature and enjoy being outside. I want the audience to think about how beautiful nature is. 

The most difficult thing was doing the background. I just kept repainting it till it became the right color. If I could start over I would redo the background with a different color that fits the green trees better.

 It's a realistic drawing. it has a unique color and texture making the trees pop.