Painting II

"Tribal Chief" Devin Kent

9x12" Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

I wanted to paint a wrestler that I like named Roman Reigns. I wanted to paint him to show my support and favorite wrestler. He is really good. Tribal Cheif is a way to show he is the main event and a leader in wrestling. I created a coloring page line drawing and then transfered it to the paper. Next I painted in Roman Reigns and then used a sharpie to draw back in his tatoos and facial features. If I were to start over I really wouldn't change much. I would change how much you see of the championship belt. I would have made that more dominant in the painting. I am really proud of this painting and I think it looks like him a lot. I worked hard to get blue and red shading in the background. I like it all and the painting is how I wanted it.

"Skull" Devin Kent

9x12" Acrylic on Canvas, 2022

I wanted to paint a skull with headphones. This shows my love of music and art together. I created a coloring page line drawing and then transfered it to the paper. Next I used paint markers and sharpies to add the lines and details. If I started over on this painting I would paint more coats and get rid of white spaces. I am proud of this painting because it is on display in an art show at the Opera House. In the future I would like to paint more music themed paintings.