Painting 1

Audri Guldner 

(In the sea) 

acrylic paint, 2023

I got this idea from the ocean. I wanted to do something with blue and thought of jellyfish because it's my favorite animal, I also sketch jellyfish a lot.  I used a white colored pencil to outline it and the lines. I used dark blue first on the flare parts then added lighter blue to blend it in, they added the white. Then I worked on the head part and then I just added more details and whatever looked good. I want people to see it as the ocean is pretty and any animal can be and it's not just poisonous. From going to paintings that didn't need or have much detail or blending it took longer and made it look better with the more work I was putting into it. The most difficult was getting everything alike and not knowing how to do it. Or when I had to match the main color I needed when I ran out of it. If I could change I would try having the head match the blue on the bottom a little more but it still doesn't look too bad. It's realistic but not cause no jellyfish happens to look the same as that. I love the way the colors blend in and it looks like it flows out with the lighting and colors. 


Audri Guldner  

12x9, Acrylic paint, 2023 


  I got this idea because I wanted to do an ocean painting. I had to do the sky first, then the ocean, then the sand. I had to redo the sky because the first time I wasn't happy with what it looked like. I went to Bermuda in the summer of last year so I decided to find a picture that I took when I was there.  The most difficult was probably the clouds. That's why I had to redo the sky. I'm still not a big fan of the clouds but it works. This type of artwork is for landscape and still life. It has waves in it and bird flying so it's a realistic type. 

Audri Guldner

acrylic paint, 2023

 I got the idea to do this because I saw a picture of a butterfly and I wanted to use the color blue. I looked up a shape to use for the butterfly and then another one for designs. I started painting the background color and blended a lighter color towards the middle on the top and bottom. Then I painted the designs. I want it to have people think of it as a butterfly. I think I grew the most with the sketching first, and the blending. I used acrylic paint and a colored pencil to sketch it out. I like painting