Drawing 1

Audri Guldner (Dog shading) 

12x10,  Graphite,  2023 

Since we had to do it in graphite I decided to do a picture where it has good shading, | thought it would be funny and cool if I did a picture of my dog. I started with drawing and sketching it all out then worked on shading. I did the face first, to get the hard part done. It was hard during some parts I felt like I didn't get right or wasn't good enough. Once I got the dog all the way done I started on the chair. I then made shading from how the sun was hitting. I wish I didn't now because it looks weird but it's fine. This is my grandma's dog and we wanted to put sunglasses on him to make the picture funny. He was sitting in the yard chairs so it was a funny picture. The hardest part was probably the nose and mouth part of the dog. I looked at a better picture and asked for help and it started to look better. It's a realistic type of art because it's a real dog. We took the picture and it's not copywritten.

Audri Guldner (Flower drawing)

11.5x9, Color pencil, 2023

  I did the flowers because it was always something I thought of and I always draw/sketch the pink flower so I just thought of drawing that. I sketched out just the flower and leaves but then it looked plain so I added two more flowers in the corner where there was nothing. I wanted a background but didn't know what I wanted it to be, so I decided to do a shading blue. I just made it look tropical so it doesn't symbolize anything. The most difficult was probably getting the shading right on the leaves. The flowers and other stuff were easy to do but matching them was harder. I just drew the flower and then looked at a real picture that looked like it and colored it. I free-drew the leaves. 

Audri Guldner 

(Print Making)

Ink, 2023

I got my idea off of the painting The Big Wave.  there's a picture of the big wave in the art room so I wanted to do a wave. I started by getting something and made a circle. They did the big details and then started working till I got the smaller ones. There is nothing that symbolizes I just want people to look at it and think of it as nature. Since it's printmaking we used styrofoam for the printmaker and the hardest part was probably not doing it right the first time. I didn't push the lines in hard enough. So then when I printed it I didn't get it all the way.  The way it is was 3D before it was printed in 2D. There were 3 times you had to print it so I did orange, pink, and blue with black ink.