Painting 11

Landre Ruggeberg "Story time forrest." 

9 x 12

acrylic on canvas


My idea was to have the two people walking in the rainey forest. They are supposed to look like they are coming from the bench on the path ahead. This idea evolved after an idea popped into my head about people having talks and conversations in bad weather, because I feel talking about something is calming when your doing it in gloomy weather. 

I used acrylic paint, and a bunch of different paintbrushes and sponges to paint on a canvas. I used the sponges to make the ground and the trees look like they had more texture. I also used the sponge to make the fog in the sky. 

When the audience sees this, I want them to just think about what the two people could be thinking or talking about. There is thousands of differnet things they could be thinking about, and I just want them to come up with there own ideas. There is nothing really that symbolic about the work. 

For me, the most difficult part was getting the right colors mixed, and trying to put the detail and design in it. I overcame it by redoing it until I got it right. If I could restart, I would chnage the trees on the right side to be more realistic, and neater. 

I would say that this style of art is realistic, because its something you could see in real life. 

Landre Ruggeberg " City underwater" 

12 x 9

acrylic on canvas


My idea evolved after learning about climate change, and watching videos about what can happen to our world in the future, after climate change takes over. This idea isn't a real life expeience yet, but it could be sometime in the far future. 

I used lot of paint, I mixed lot's of different colors. I also used paint markers for the statue of liberty. I used a sponge to make the water look more realisic, and look like it had texture. 

I want them to think about the future, and how climate change can effect us and our world. The symbolic imagery in the painting is the statue of liberty, because it is a very important piece of our history, and now in the painting it's underwater. 

The part that was most difficult for me was the buildings, and getting the colors right. I wanted it to look more realistic. If I could start over I would do more to make it look more interesting, like add more detail, or more that shows our world is suffering from climate change. 

I would say this is realistic style of art because this is something that could most definitley happen in the real world. My favorite part is the statue of liberty. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Night Time Drive" 


acrylic on canvas 


My Idea was to create a painting that shows a simmilar expierience to memory's I have from driving around with my freinds late at night. This painting pretty much shows what you would see when your driving through roads in rural towns at night, and I looked up a piture for a reference, and found something simmilar to what I wanted to do. First I painted the sky, and I used a mixture of different paints and a sponge to make it look like more realistic. Then for the trees I used a painbrushed and made it look like a thick forrest. Then I painted the roads and the lines, and then I added in some of the details like the moon, the telephone pole, and the lightpost. When people look at this I want them to think about how dark, and dead the world can look at night, and how there could be nothing going on, but still be somewhat pretty.  The most difficult thing for me was the red light, and trying to get it to be blurry, and more of that effect when its blurry while you are driving because of how dark it is and how bright the light is. If I could redo something it would be the lines in the road, and I would also have liked to make the lights a bit more even. I would say it's a realistic style of art because it is something you could see in real life, and it's from a real life experience. Its unique to me because its something I see and do a lot.