Painting 1

Landre Ruggeberg "Lonely Fish"

Size, acrylic painting, 2022

My idea originated from a view that I used to have at my house. We had a window with a ledge where we kept our pet fish in a bowl all to itself. All the fish bowls had inside were some pebbles, a fake plant, and the fish. The only difference from my real life experience, and the painting is the color of the windowsill, and the background behind the fishbowl. You used to be able to see trees through the window, but I didn’t add them in because I felt it would be better to focus on the fish more than the background. For my painting, I used acrylic paint to paint my canvas. I used different colors, and had to mix some colors to get the one I wanted. When The audience looks at my painting, I want them to think about how the fish is by itself, and how lonely it is.  The most difficult part for me was painting the fish, and getting the background around it the same color. You can see the difference in the color, so that would be one thing I would change. I tried to make this painting some-what realistic. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Marathon, Florida"

size, acrylic painting , 2022

For this painting, I painted a beach sunset. I got the idea from a real picture I took while I was on vacation in Marathon Florida. I used the photo that I took and tried to paint it exactly the same. I started getting the color I wanted to use for my sand. I had to mix different paint colors together until I got the right color, then I painted the sand. Next I had to make the color for the rocks, and I painted them. After finishing that, I had to paint the ocean and the sky. I had to use different colors to make the sunset reflect off of the ocean. I used a lot of blue and purple and yellow paint to do it. Finally, I added the trees in the background, the dock, and made the water look like it was in waves. I want the people looking at my artwork to think about how pretty the ocean and sunsets are. The most challenging thing for me to do was paint the dock. I had to restart it a couple times. I had trouble with making it look realistic, and getting the right color for it. I finally got it to where I thought it was good enough at the end. The thing I would change if I got to start over is how I didn’t really get a big sky in the painting like the real picture. In my picture, the sky took up most of the screen, but it's not the same in my painting. I feel like it would look better if I had the chance to make the sky look bigger and better. The style of this painting is realistic. My favorite part of it is the ocean and the rocks.