Ceramics & 3D Design 

Landre Ruggeberg "Water Canister"


Clay 2023

We made these water canisters for our first ceramics project, to try to get ourselves used to working with clay and learning the basics of ceramics. Our teacher Mrs. Dunlavy assigned us this project to do for our inspiration. To make this project, I used the slab roller, clay, carving tools, wet sponges, and my hands. We also used rolling pins. We made slab and i also used that. To get the glossy finish and color of the piece, we used glaze. We started by learning how to use the slab machine, then we took a peice of clay and put it under the slab machine. We then took our slabs and put a design on them. Then we shapped it using our hands, and the shaping and carving tools. I used a wet sponge to get the part were you pour water out of to work better. After a while, I took off the pattern because I could not get it to look the way I wanted it to look. Then once I was done shaping it, we put it in the kilm machine to harden it. After it was done in there, we took the glaze and painting over it with a few layers. there is not really any thing significant or special about it, because I did not do a design or any type of detail.  I would say the most difficult part of it all was getting it shaped. It took me more then a few tries, but I got it somewhat close to what it was supposed to look like. I also had difficulties with the pattern, because I had one but once I kept having to restart, I just ended up going without one. If I could start over I would fix the bumpiness, and make it more neat. I would say this peice is non- objective, and the color is what makes it more me because I really like that color. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Coffee Mug"


Clay, 2023

  My idea was to make a coffee cup. My dad loves coffee cups, and I wanted to make something useful for him. We have a lot of cups in our house,  so I thought of what they looked like and tried to recreate it. First I put my clay into a coil machine, and then I Put it in the shape of a mug and smoothed it out. I shaped it, and made sure there was no bumps.  Then I added the boot and  a little handle to the side of it. Then I Fired it in the kiln machine. After it gone done in there I put two different colors of glaze on it.  After I put a few layers, I put it back in the kilm machine and fired it until it was done. The artwork doesn't really mean anything special, i just wanted it to be useful for drinking out of. The most difficult part was making it not have bumps, or curves around the edges. It took a while for me but i got it the closest I could. If I could start over I would try to make it way smoother, and try to get no bumps in it. I would also chnage the colors of the glaze. I think its a realistic type of art because Its something you can use in real life. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Bowl" 

Clay,  2023

My idea was to make a bowl that I could use as my dogs water bowl. I wanted to make it kind of small because my dog is really tiny. To make this bowl, I used the wheel. I went through the steps of getting it ready and then I made the bowl with the wheel. After I got done with it on the wheel, I put glaze on it. I used two different colors, and painting it. If I could redo this, I would change the edges to make them less bumpy and more even. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Plate"

clay 2023

My idea for this was also to make a food bowl for my dog, she doesn't eat a lot because she is so small, so the plate isn't that big. It's the perfect size for her. I made this by using the wheel. It was kind of hard to do because of how big the hole is. After I got done on the wheel I fired it. Then I glazed it with two different colors. After that I fired it again then I was finished. If I could redo something about it, It would be the unevenness of the edges. One side is thinner and the other side is wider. My favortite part of this is the different colors. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Blue bowl" 

clay, 2023 

I made this with nothing special that inspired me. I used the wheel, and I shaped it on there. After, i repeated the steps of firing it and glazing it until I got it to the color I wanted it. Then I fired it again, and it was done. My favoorite part of this is the color, and if there was anything that I could do to change it, It would be to make it bigger. 

Landre Ruggeberg "Light blue bowl" 

Clay, 2023 

My last project was another bowl. It's really small so I was thinking I could use it to hold jewelry, or something else that's small enough to fit in it. I once again used the wheel, and shaped it. After that I fired it, and then I put the glaze on it. I used that aqua blueish color, and I love the way it turned out. That's probably my favorite part of this piece. If i could change anything, it would be to make it bigger, because it is really small. 

Drake Concert (1).mp4

Stop Motion Video 

Made by me, Brooke, and Haley