Drawing ll

Surprise in The Night

My inspiration for this piece of artwork came to me from a memory. I was very young, and I was in Arkansas at the time. I was coming out of the corner store, it was dark outside. And I was waiting outside for my mom to pay and get to the car. But I drop one of my quarters, so I get my phone out for the flashlight, I look a little to my right and there is a huge spider about to kill its prey. It spooked me because I could have walked into that web, I wasn't able to see it in the dark. I couldn’t remember exactly what kind of spider it was, but I do vividly remember how big it was. My process for this artwork started with getting the white charcoal pencils and black paper. Then with the white charcoal pencil I started with the web, lightly over the first time because I knew I needed to add the spider and cocoon. So I drew the web lighty because I knew I was later going to have to erase. I had a separate piece of paper that I was practicing drawing the spider on. This artwork really just showed how you remember somethings, this specific memory I remember scared me. Due to the size of the spider, I am sure it wasn’t that big but that's what I remember it as. The most difficult part for me was the spider, I sort of just made it up but it was the hardest part because I had never drawn a spider. I just practiced on a separate piece of paper. The one thing I would change is the type of spider I drew, maybe draw a more well known, more recognizable type of spider. This style of art probably belongs in realistic, even though it doesn't really look too realistic. What I love about this artwork is how well the web came out, and the spider legs as well, just because they didn't come out too bad for the first time drawing those two parts of the artwork.

Breezy Point

My Inspiration for this piece comes from a good church friend who I work for. I work on his farm, and the name of the farm is “Breezy Point”. He makes stained glass art, and it interests me alot. He taught me how to do it, and my mom also loves the way stained glass art looks. He requested that I come up with a sketch of my own, to make for my mom. I know she likes flowers so I roughly made a rose in the way stained glass art is arranged. I started by tracing a rose with the stem. Then I traced where I would cut, to make it look like stained glass art. Then I colored in what needed to be colored in. Lastly, I cut out all parts of the rose, stem, and background then glued them to the black background. The work doesn't have anything really meaningful behind it. I just wanted to make something for my mom. It won't be the paper I give my mom, it’ll be the stained glass version of the paper. The most difficult part was keeping the cut out paper pieces in the right places. Everytime I messed up the way they were placed, I would have to piece them back together like a puzzle. If I could change anything it would be to trace with pencil, because you can clearly see the marker, where I traced to cut. And with a pencil I could easily erase the pencil marks. When I marked with the marker I thought it wouldn't be visible because I was going to color over the marker. I would definitely say this kind of art is abstract art. I think what makes this unique is the frame around the whole rose and background, and I don't know anyone who used paper in place of where glass is supposed to be.