EC Services
Exceptional Children
DIVISION MISSION :: The mission of the Exceptional Children Division is to ensure that students with disabilities develop intellectually, physically, emotionally, and vocationally through the provision of an appropriate individualized education program in the least restrictive environment.
There are 3 Educational Tracks:
1) Future Ready Course of Study
Students are enrolled in general educational classes to earn their high school diploma. Students are immersed in the general educational setting where they may receive instruction from a highly qualified teacher in addition to co-teaching support from a high qualified EC teacher
Students may qualify to enroll in a Curriculum and Instruction course where interventions are delivered.
2) Occupational Course of Study
Students are on a modified curriculum following guidelines to obtain a high school diploma. Students work school base hours and work hours outside school to earn their high school diploma. Some students may qualify to attend a community college with this diploma.
More information about the Occupational Course of Study is available on this LiveBinder.
3) Cluster
Students enrolled in this curriculum will not obtain a high school diploma.
Exceptional Children's Department Faculty
Cindy Brinn, Department chair: Neal Ford:
April McElroy, cluster class teacher: Dominique Roberts, OCS teacher: