Graduation PLANS + Pathways

This webpage is intended to provide CCS students and parents with information regarding graduation requirements in the state of Indiana.

As students progress through the secondary grades, they will frequently encounter two terms: Graduation Plans and Graduation Pathways. The terms sound similar, but they refer to two distinctly different questions that every high school student faces: 1) “What are my plans after high school?” and 2) “What will it take to graduate?”

Graduation Plans 

Secondary students at CCS are prompted to begin thinking about their post-high school plans as early as eighth grade, as directed by the Indiana Department of Education. Every student annually completes a simple questionnaire to indicate their interests for their personal "path" through high school, college, and beyond. The goal at CCS is to complete this annually by December 15. Student answers are kept in a local file at CCS, and teachers and administrators can use this information to plan academic experiences that will help students explore their interests.

Select the form for your class. The questions will guide you through the process and should take only a few minutes to complete.

Click to enlarge

Graduation Pathways

High school students in Indiana are able to individualize their “pathway to graduation” to better align with their postsecondary goals. In other words, students are encouraged to look at their high school experiences, classes, and grades almost as if they are building a resume to apply for their future college or career.

In order to graduate from high school, each student must satisfy three requirements, as defined by the Indiana Department of Education. These requirements are 1) earn a high school diploma, 2) demonstrate employability skills, and 3) demonstrate college readiness. It can be helpful to think of these requirements as “buckets” that hold different options for the student to choose.

CCS students must satisfy at least ONE requirement from EACH of the buckets in order to graduate. These three buckets are:

Diploma Designation

Click for overview

Click for overview

Click for overview

High School Diploma

Complete ONE of the following:

Employability Skills

Complete ONE* of the following:

         *Combination of hours also                     acceptable

College Readiness 

Complete ONE of the following:

*Other options available; discuss options with guidance counselor. 

student work info


(Grades 9-12: fill out December 1-15 and May 1-15)

Print this Personal Track Record as a place to keep personal record of your service or work hours. You do not need to turn in the paper form, just the total hours.

submit work and service hours here

Once you have accurately completed the information on the Verification Form (below) and click Submit Form, your submission will be sent to your Faculty Advisor as well as the employer, mentor, coach, or teacher for the adult (not-parent, please) verification. An accurate email address for the non-parent adult signing your form is important so that the form is emailed to that address for a signature.

Once the collection window ends, you will receive confirmation from your Faculty Advisor regarding your hours submitted. Please keep in mind that all approved hours count towards your total hours. Approved service hours will be recorded on transcripts.