4A State Theatre IEs Competition

April 13 2024 @ Mountain Crest High

255 S 800 E, Hyrum, UT 84319

School Entrance

There is one large parking lot on the south side of Mountain Crest. Please enter the school through the South East Doors (you will walk by the aquatic center and enter on the east end of the school by the cafeteria).

Bus Parking

Buses are welcome to park in the east side of the south parking lot.

Standard Car Parking

Judges, teachers, students, and additional cars can park in the main parking lot in front of the main building (in the south lot). We ask that all judges and participants enter through the South East doors (near the aquatic center).

Musical Theatre/Pantomime Rooms 

MT and Pantomime rooms do not all have a piano or sound system available. Students should plan on bringing their own speakers to play their accompanying tracks.

A Note on Rooms: 

Students are not allowed inside the IE rooms unless a judge is present in the room and has asked them to enter for their round. Students should wait in their designated pod/waiting area or the cafeteria, and should not enter their round room until the designated time. Please remind students to be respectful of the classrooms they are performing in - respect the equipment, chairs, desks, and classroom arrangement. No students should approach any teacher's desk or touch any classroom equipment/technology.

The AUDITORIUM/STAGE is not available for competition - please do not enter the auditorium AT ANY TIME. Thank you.

Mountain Crest HS Parking: Please enter the school through the south east entrance. Please park buses in the south east lot. 

MC Upstairs Map: Please enter through the East doors. Students are not allowed inside the IE rooms unless a judge is present in the room and has asked them to enter for their round. Students should wait in their designated pod/waiting area or the cafeteria, and should not enter their round room until the designated time. Judges Lounge is in the Student Center, Tab Room is located in the Sun Room. Coaches may gather in the Media Center. Food/lunch for students will be served in the atrium in front of the cafeteria.

MC Downstairs Map: Students are not allowed inside the IE rooms unless a judge is present in the room and has asked them to enter for their round. Students should wait in their designated pod/waiting area or the cafeteria, and should not enter their round room until the designated time.