Counselor's Corner

Ms. Kaydie - Paintbrush Elementary School Counselor

Hello Paintbrush Pirates!! Welcome to the Counselor's Corner!

PB counselor Fall 2020.docx

Proud to be a Paintbrush Pirate! 

Office hours: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

Contact information: 

Paintbrush Elementary office phone: 307-686-1778 ext 191


During office hours, I will be available to chat in person, by phone, or email. I am frequently in and out of classrooms or working with individual students, but if you cannot reach me, please leave a voicemail or a message with the front office and I will get back to you as soon as I can. 

If in immediate crisis or in need of emergency services, call 911

Blessings in a backpack: weekend food bags

Paintbrush offers the blessings in a backpack program. If your child is signed up, they will receive a blessings bag filled with quick meals and snacks to take home on Thursdays or Fridays. Check out the BIB website for more information! 

If you are not signed up to receive blessings, but are in need of or would like this service, please contact me via phone or the email listed above.

Breakfast and Lunches

Breakfast: 8:20-8:45am 

Lunch: 12-1pm

See lunch schedule on the PB homepage

Visitors are welcome for lunch, but if you can't stay, feel free to drop off a special lunch for your child at the front office and we will make sure they get it!

PB Student Crisis Response.docx

Paintbrush Elementary student crisis plan

Got a question? Thought? Concern? Send me a message HERE!