
Image courtesy of Finnegan and Celeste Thompson

By Finnegan Thompson, Staff Writer

In education, specifically high schools, the issue of artificial intelligence (A.I.) has raised endless questions. How should schools regulate the use of artificial intelligence? How can abuse of these new technologies be stopped? Can teachers and students alike benefit from artificial intelligence? These questions must be answered soon in order to determine how education can continue as these new technologies continue to advance. 

Image Courtesy of North High School Course Catalog 2022-2023 

By Lana DeLeon, News and Opinion Staff 

Clarkstown High School North has various electives, but only a limited number of them are offered to freshmen. Is it that freshmen are not at the level to understand the concepts of these elective classes? 

Image courtesy of Heidi Peterson

By Daniel Chazan, News and Opinion Staff 

At Clarkstown High School North, every student is familiar with the concept of Mindful Mondays. However, during Mindful Monday activities that are meant to assist students, many simply don’t pay attention or participate. Why is it that some students aren’t engaged, despite teachers working hard to provide interesting activities and interactive slideshows?

Image courtesy of wbur.org

By Ashley Abraham, News and Opinion Staff 

Many 2023 seniors are filling out college applications and they’re all faced with the same question: “Race/Ethnicity?” Unfortunately, a student’s answer to this question may change their chances of getting into a university...

Image courtesy of Betty Zheng

By Nina Lvov, News and Opinion Editor

Peer Tutoring at North is a great way for students to have one-on-one learning with student tutors.  At North, the National Honor Society offers peer tutoring free of charge for students.  Here is why students should consider Peer Tutoring...

Image courtesy of  Alamy.com

ByNina Lvov, News & Opinion Editor

Clarkstown North has made an effort to support students by giving them late arrival and early dismissal, yet how much does this flexibility in schedules help students? Is it actually effective in reducing stress levels? Come read students' opinions and suggestions on how the school can provide better mental health.