The Benefits of Peer Tutoring and Peer Tutoring at North

Nina Lvov, News & Opinion Editor

Peer Tutoring at North is a great way for students to have one-on-one learning with student tutors.  At North, the National Honor Society offers peer tutoring free of charge for students.  Here is why students should consider Peer Tutoring.

Image Courtesy of Betty Zheng

What is Peer Tutoring?

Peer Tutoring is a form of voluntary teaching where students who are proficient in a school subject can help other students with that subject. It is a direct and personal learning method where students can use their time after school to understand a specific course better. 

Why Students Should Consider Peer Tutoring

Peer Tutoring at North 

Where is it held? 

Students can find peer tutors in the library every day after school, except for Fridays.

What do I look for?

A yellow peer tutoring sign on one of the tables. 

How can I become a tutor?

Join the Clarkstown North National Honor Society and maintain an average above 90 in at least one subject you volunteer to tutor for. 

What subjects are offered?

All subjects! Peer tutoring includes even Art and World Languages. The schedule is located on this website: