Late Arrival vs Early Dismissal: Which is Better for Students' Mental Health?

Nina Lvov, News & Opinion Editor

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Nisha Datt-Early dismissal 

Q: What are some things that you like about being able to leave school early?

A: “Well honestly, I really like that I’m able to come home early to rest and get whatever homework or school work that I didn’t have completed for that day finished. It’s also a great way for me to continue to be more productive with whatever tasks I have to complete at home, at work, or just really anywhere.”

Q: Is there anything that you dislike about leaving school early? 

A: “I wouldn’t necessarily say I have any dislikes about leaving school early, especially because I’m the type of person who would rather be home early than go into school late. Sometimes, it’s annoying to wake up super early in the mornings, but I don’t mind as long as I’m able to come back home at a reasonable time.”

Q: Do you think being able to leave school early makes a difference in students’ stress levels?

A: “I think it definitely does make a difference since these kids aren’t having to stay at school super late. If they have work right after school, they’ll have time to relax and catch up on any work they need to do.”

Q: Which one, early dismissal vs late arrival, do you think is best in improving students’ mental health?

A: “It depends, because everyone benefits from certain things differently. I think early dismissal is best for improving my mental health only because I enjoy being home early; It makes me feel more productive. Personally, having a late arrival would only make me feel lazier.”

Q: Do you have any suggestions on what else the school can do to help students feel less stressed out?

A: “The school should focus more on how students feel. We are not getting enough sleep, which can sometimes lead to insomnia, a condition we high schoolers should not have to be facing. North should work towards creating plans and guidance for those interested in improving their current routines. We can also input fun activities to improve students’ mental health and create a community for help and support.”

Lorelei Mathew-Late Arrival

Q: What are some things you like about arriving to school late?

A: “I like the time to catch up on my work and make sure I’m ready for the day. It’s also a good time to work on the common app and outside of school work that I have to do.”

Q: Is there anything you dislike about arriving to school late?

A: “Sometimes, if I choose to come in late, I have a hard time finding parking. I rather just come in at the normal time. Plus, I have to drop off my brother for first period anyway, so it’s convenient for both of us.” 

Q: Do you think that coming in late has made a difference in your mental health?

A: “I think it’s helped calm some of my anxieties. I don’t feel like I have to cram everything after school.”

Q: Which one, early dismissal vs late arrival, do you think is best in improving students’ mental health?

A: “Honestly, I think early dismissal because it gives students who work and play sports a bit more of a break.”

Q:  Do you have any suggestions on what else the school can do to help students feel less stressed out?

A: “Teachers should have a calendar of test dates for all other classes to edit input on. Therefore, teachers will be able to minimize the amount of overlapped assigned tests and quizzes.” 

Antonia Caruncho-Early Dismissal

Q: What are some things that you like about being able to leave school early?

A: “My mom picks me up from school even when I have normal dismissal. There’s been days she’d pick me up on the pick up line and it would take me about 15 minutes to even see her car in the parking lot. With early dismissal, I don’t have to wait those extra 15 minutes before I can get picked up. It saves a lot of time.”

Q: Is there anything that you dislike about leaving school early? 

A: “I’m involved with a lot of clubs in the afternoon, so if I wanted to attend a club meeting, I’d have to stay at school or go home only to come back.” 

Q: Do you think being able to leave school early makes a difference on your mental health?

A: “It's definitely helped me feel better about my school day. If I ever feel too overwhelmed, I just remember that I have early dismissal and can go home soon.”

Q: Which one, early dismissal vs late arrival, do you think is best in improving students’ mental health?

A: “ For me, it’s fairly easy to wake up early, since I basically get up at the same time everyday. However, as the day goes on, I feel more exhausted. Early dismissal rids the exhaustion because I go home earlier. I really enjoy having it.”

Q: Do you have any suggestions on what else the school can do to help students feel less stressed out?

A: “Decrease the push for accelerated classes. AP classes are hard, so don’t make them any harder. Every school likes to push the prerogative that good education is the highest education, but they’re simply wrong. Not every student should be crammed into an accelerated class just because it “looks good on a college resume.” Every student is wired differently. Schools should understand that.” 

Personal Opinion

As someone who has late arrival, I would personally prefer early dismissal. You may be thinking, why? Isn’t it better to sleep in? While sleep is important, I believe there is little to no difference between the late arrival time and the normal time I get up for school. For late arrival, I would have to get up around 7 am, which is still fairly early in the morning. No matter what time I get up, I will always be tired. Late arrival makes me feel like I have a long day waiting ahead of me, while early dismissal would make me feel as if there is more free time later in my day.