Student Life


Some Words of Wisdom...

“Take the time to create relationships with your teachers. If you are struggling, the best thing you can do is talk to your teachers because they are your expert. Teachers are humans too, and are only there to help you! They want to see you succeed.” -IB Alumni, Class of 2021

“While it's important to get the work done, make sure to take time for yourself… You don't need to prioritize your grades over your own health. If you're struggling to balance your schoolwork, reach out to your teachers and classmates. IB is time-intensive and stressful, but if you're looking for a challenge and a way to really get to know your classmates, why not give it a try? … The coursework is a lot, but don't worry if you're struggling to keep up at first. There's an adjustment period to everything…. If you need help finding your rhythm, reach out. Y'all are in this together, you can talk to each other. Don't be afraid to reach out.” -IB Alumni, Class of 2021