
See what students, teachers, and alumni have to say about our IB Programme.

"I really enjoy teaching the students in the IB Business course as they seem to have a higher level of interest in the subject, which lends to some good classroom discussion. In addition, I really feel the subject will benefit students regardless of their career path. Whether they go to college or not, the concepts we discuss are applicable to most business models."

Mr. Botset, IB Business Management Teacher

"IB English is so learning-focused! Because it is best practice, any courses I teach are learning-focused; however, with IB English the emphasis on the learning and growth process is explicitly present in the curriculum." 

Mrs. Fischer, IB English Teacher

"I absolutely LOVE teaching IB courses mainly because of the flexibility of thinking involved. While there are tests and assessments, they are much more organically derived so "teaching to the test" isn't an issue with IB in the way it is in other courses."

Mrs. Hudgins, IB English Teacher

"I really like that the IB curriculum puts the emphasis on student growth, as well as proficiency in the language. Students learn the conventions of speaking and writing many different texts in the target language, so they can communicate effectively and spontaneously in a variety of situations."

Mme. Foster, IB French Teacher

"I absolutely love it (teaching IB History)! IB students, typically, have very close relationships with each other. This makes it so much easier to have class discussions referencing current events and historical issues that often relate to current events. Due to the close relationships of the students, they are often willing to share more thoughts and opinions in the classroom because they view it as a safe space. The program creates such well rounded learning experiences and they cross various curriculums that it makes it such an enriching educational environment."

Mrs. Bennett, IB History of the Americas Teacher

"I do love teaching IB Latin and the courses leading up to the IB level. The intellectual curiosity and creative playfulness with knowledge that IB students bring to the classroom is pure delight. The courses also broaden my own horizons as I research ways to make connections between the ancient and modern worlds. The syllabus changes frequently so I am constantly learning and discovering new things."

Ms. Petersen, IB Latin Teacher

"I LOVE teaching IB because of the students! They are the BEST part of the program. A distant second is the curriculum and how all subjects work in concert to develop critical thinking skills and global citizens." 

Sr. Jiménez, IB Spanish Teacher

"What I love about teaching IB is helping students make informed choices that require both deductive and inductive reasoning. The end goal is to challenge students to make sound judgments that are logical, analytical and balanced which can have a positive impact on their lives as well as the world around them."

Mr. Garza, IB 20th Century Topics Teacher