MHS IB Programme FAQ's & Videos

Midlothian High School: An IB World School- Since 1998, Midlothian has been the proud home of the International Baccalaureate Program. While students in the IB Specialty Center are given access to the strongest schedule our county can offer, along with the challenging and engaging college-level coursework IB students also enjoy great electives, such as IB Psychology, IB Languages (French, Spanish, Latin and German), IB Theatre, Music and Art, and IB Business Management. If applying to IB, students from the Cosby, Clover Hill, Monacan, and James River feeder school will attend Midlothian High School

The IB program exists in over 144 countries in the world, but as Chesterfield County Public School Students, it is important to know what Midlo IB is all about!

Here you will find some helpful videos created by the students on our IB Prospective Student Team, to offer rising 8th graders info and insight on our program, and discuss how we can think globally while learning and acting locally (note: the links will take viewers to YouTube, and may need to be logged in through a non-CCPS account).

Index of Questions

1. What is the difference between Midlothian’s Pre-DP and the IB program?

2. Can a current Midlothian High School 9th or 10th grade student that is not in Midlo’s Pre-DP program, apply to be accepted into the program?

3. What requirements are there of 9th and 10th grade Midlo Pre-DP students?

4. Are 9th and 10th grade Midlothian Pre-DP students required to take all honors classes?

5. How can a Midlothian Pre-DP student not take honors Geometry?

6. Can a Midlo Pre-DP student drop to Algebra 2?

7. Is a 10th grade Midlothian Pre-DP student required to take AP World History?

8. What is the difference between SL and HL classes

9. How many years of a world language is a student required to take?

10. Should a student take their language SL or HL?

11. What IB electives are available?

12. If a student who lives outside of the Midlothian district drops the IB program, do they have to return to their home school?

1) What is the difference between Midlothian’s Pre-Diploma and the IB Diploma program?

Midlothian’s Pre-Diploma program is an in-house initiative which has been put in place to support our 9th and 10th grade students as they prepare for the rigorous, college-level coursework of the 11th and 12th grade IB Diploma Program (DP).

There are three programs that IB supports: Primary Years Program (PYP), which is from grade K – 5, Middle Years Program (MYP), which is grades 6 – 10, and Diploma Program (DP), which is grades 11 – 12. Chesterfield County does not offer the MYP, so Midlothian’s IB program encompasses the DP years as well as two Honors-level curriculum years during the student’s 9th and 10th grade years. We use the descriptor of “Midlothian’s Pre-Diploma program” to describe the 9th and 10th grade years of the program.

In Pre-Diploma, students in the cohort group begin to form bonds with students and teachers within the program, both within common classes as well as activities and initiatives targeted for them specifically. With close support of the IB office, students begin taking on some of the rewarding challenges of the rigorous course load, engaging in activities, and begin getting involved in Midlothian IB’s Community of Excellence.

Due to the nature of Chesterfield County Specialty Centers, it is important that we offer a 4-year specialty program. The Midlothian’s Pre-Diploma Program is a way to support, guide, and monitor the growth of our candidates so they will be most successful in the IB program, and successful in reaching their academic goals.

2) Can a current Midlothian High School 9th or 10th grade student that is not in Midlo’s pre-Diploma program, apply to be accepted into the program?

Yes, under certain circumstances, a current 9th or 10th grader can apply to enter the program. These students must be in the required Honors classes. This requires that these students applying must be in Honors math classes as well as in AP World History (if a sophomore). Midlothian High School has many talented and academically strong students, who live in the district, where the IB program offers an excellent opportunity. It is understandable that these students chose to attend Midlothian High School, rather than to attend another specialty center. It is a goal of Midlothian’s IB Program to recruit strong current 9th and 10th graders to enroll in the IB program. The IB Coordinator will send out an email after the first semester soliciting recommendations from all teachers for students that the teacher believes would benefit from the IB program. The IB Coordinator will also meet with interested students throughout the year to discuss possible application and enrollment into the IB Program. These applications will be considered on a rolling basis throughout the school year. If a current 9th or 10th grader wishes to apply, they should contact the IB Coordinator for more information and to receive an application.

3) What requirements are there of 9th and 10th grade Midlo Pre-Diploma students?

We require that 9th and 10th grade students in the IB program complete Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS) hours in preparation for that requirement for the IB diploma. Students are required to not only complete a certain amount of CAS hours but also to complete all of the documentation that is required. 9th graders and 10th graders are required to complete a certain amount of CAS activities per semester. Please refer to our CAS guidebook for more details.

4) Are 9th and 10th grade Midlothian Pre-IB students required to take all honors classes?

Yes, Midlothian Pre-IB students are required to take all honors level for their core classes. There are a few rare exceptions. During the 9th grade year, if a student is taking the first year of a language, those classes are only offered at the O level. Subsequently taking the course at an Honors level is not available. The student needs to perform well enough to take the second year of the language at an honors level during their 10th grade year. The other exception is for math.

5) How can a Midlothian Pre-Diploma student not take honors Geometry?

All Midlo Pre-IB students begin 9th grade in honors level math. To be properly prepared for IB math courses, students should take honors level math classes throughout high school. If a student struggles in honors geometry, it is most likely an indicator of future struggles. Rarely will students be allowed to drop to C level Geometry, and stay in Midlo’s Pre-IB program. If a student wishes to stay in Midlo’s Pre-IB program, they will be encouraged to remain in Geometry Honors and to complete Midlo’s Pre-IB application to take Algebra 2 H.

6) Can a Midlo Pre-Diploma student drop to Algebra 2 Honors?

To be properly prepared for IB math courses, students should take honors level math classes throughout high school. Algebra 2 Honors is the best class that challenges students to develop the higher-level mathematical thinking skills that are paramount to success in IB level math courses. All students are challenged in Algebra 2 Honors, so it is understandable for a student to have some struggles. It is preferable that students stay in Algebra 2 Honors due to depth of knowledge that is explored during the class. If a student is grossly struggling in Algebra 2 Honors, they can complete Midlo’s Pre-Diploma application to drop to Algebra 2 H. The student also would have to receive Midlothian High School administrative approval for such a move. This application can only be received from and approved by the IB Coordinator.

7) Is a 10th grade Midlothian Pre-Diploma student required to take AP World History?

All Pre- IB Students are encouraged to take AP world History in their 10th grade year as well as AP Human Geography in their 9th grade year. Though it must be emphasized that the content and pace of an AP course IS NOT the same as an IB course, this valuable course will help them prepare for the rigors of college level coursework. Students may enroll in honors level courses, with the knowledge that the expectations of IB History in 11th grade will increase significantly in rigor and level of sophistication in learning tasks.

8) What is the difference between SL and HL classes?

Students are required to choose one subject from each of the six academic areas, although they can choose a second subject from groups 1 to 5 instead of a group 6 subject. Normally, three subjects (and not more than four) are taken at higher level (HL), and the others are taken at standard level (SL). The IB recommends 240 teaching hours for HL subjects and 150 hours for SL. Subjects at HL are studied in greater depth and breadth than at SL. At both levels, many skills are developed, especially those of critical thinking and analysis. At the end of the course, students’ abilities are measured by means of external assessment. Many subjects contain some element of coursework assessed by teachers. Midlothian IB students traditionally take English, History, and Science at HL and Math, World Language, and their IB Elective at SL. We currently offer alternative options for a student to take Spanish, French, and Art at HL and take Science at SL. These situations are handled on a case-by-case basis with the student, teachers, and the IB Coordinator.

9) How many years of a world language is a student required to take?

For students that are taking Spanish, French, and German, they are required to complete at least 4 years of a world language. Students greatly benefit from taking at least 5 years of a world language. A Junior can choose to take the SL Language test during their junior year; however, if a student is taking the HL Language test, they must be a Senior. It is important to respect the advice of the teacher when making decisions regarding a student who wants to test during their junior year or to take the HL examination. For Latin students, due to the nature of the curriculum, students must complete Latin 4 and 5. There have been situations where a 9th grader takes Latin 1 and then would need to take both Latin 2 and Latin 3 during their sophomore year in order to be able to complete Latin 4 and 5.

10) Should a student take their language SL or HL?

The standard here at Midlothian is for students to take their language SL. We do offer the option for students who excel in their language to take the HL examination. There are certain curriculum adjustments that need to be made in order to adequately prepare students to test in HL. Students need to understand that the HL examination is much more rigorous, and may require additional time spent preparing outside of the classroom. There are also certain considerations in regard to the requirements for the IB diploma that need to be understood. Students can only test HL during their Senior year. It is important to respect the advice of the teacher when making decisions regarding a student who wants to take the HL examination. If a student takes their language HL, they can choose to either take their Science Class SL or HL. If they take their Science Class HL, they would then be taking four HL examinations. To receive the IB diploma, a student must average a score of 4 for all of their HL examinations and they may not earn a score of 2 or lower on any HL examination.

11) What IB electives are available?

All IB students are required to take and test in an IB elective. Midlothian offers five choices as an IB elective. Students may choose to take either IB Visual Arts, IB Music, IB Psychology, IB Business Management, or IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Science. The requirements for each class are as follows:

• IB Visual Arts – Students must take 4 years of a visual arts class. Students will choose the art medium of their focus for their Junior and Senior years. Students must take an IB art class during both their 11th and 12th

• IB Music – Students should be continuously enrolled in a music performance class of either Band, Chorus, or (in certain circumstances) Orchestra. Guitar does not count as a performance class. Students must be enrolled in a music performance class and the IB music class during their Senior year. Due to potential scheduling difficulties, we currently cannot guarantee this option to Orchestra students.

• IB Theatre - This is a one- or two-year IB elective class that can be taken during a student’s 11th or 12th grade year.

• IB Psychology, IB Business Management, and IB Sports, Exercise, and Health Science - These are a one-year IB elective class that can be taken during a student’s 11th or 12th grade year.

12) If a student who lives outside of the Midlothian district drops the IB program, do they have to return to their home school?

Yes, if a student lives outside of the Midlothian High School district, and they decide to drop or are removed from the IB program, then they are required to return to their home school. Students who enroll in the IB program are making a 4-year commitment to participate in the program. It is paramount to the integrity of the program that if an out of district student drops the IB Diploma Program that they return to their home school. While this has been the rule that has always been communicated to IB students, beginning with the class of 2016, all IB students and their parents signed a contract that they understand this rule.