Title I

Parent & Family Engagement Meeting

October 25th, 2021


Schoolwide Title I-What does it mean?

History and Success of Title I at FGES

Parent Involvement Policies

Parent involvement Ideas

Click here for more information.

Next Meeting in April 2022!


Denise Hull


Mikala Brown

Arlene Horton

Alexis Lowe

Autumn Burian

Sarah Musser

Michelle Stockner

Stacy Grimes

Taurina Ruiz

First Semester- October 25

Thank you for coming by!

Carroll County Parent Teacher Conferences


Come by and see Title I for resources, questions, or ideas on how to help your child with reading and math at home.

Second Semester- March 21

August 9, 2021

Please come by the Title I room on August 9th to learn about Schoolwide Title I, how this affects our school, and how it may benefit your child. Copies of our Parent Engagement Policy, Parent Compact, Title I Schoolwide Plan for 2021-2022, and a volunteer sign up sheet will be available. Don't forget to sign in with your email so you can stay in the loop on upcoming PAC meetings, activities, and future planning!

We will be here from 12:00 PM -6:00 PM!

Mrs. Hull, Mrs. Spraker