Public Address

Informative Speaking - - Oratorical Declamation - - Original Oratory - - Special Occasion Speaking

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Informative Speaking (INFO)

  • Definition: Original Comedy is the oral presentation of the student’s original comedic work.

  • Definition: Informative Speaking is the oral presentation of the student’s original expository speech.

  • Purpose: The purpose of Informative Speaking is to guide students in audience analysis, topic selection, research, organization and development of a sense of literary style in speech designed to elevate of level of significant information for an audience. The goal is to educate not advocate.

  • Material: Material must be original. The content, format, style and thoughts of the speech must be the product of the student. No more than 150 words in the speech may be direct quotation. A fabricated topic/subject may not be used. Students may not use any portion of their original oratory if double entered at the tournament.

Oratorical Declamation (DEC)

  • Definition: Oratorical Declamation is the oral presentation of persuasive or inspirational material of literary merit.

  • Purpose: The purpose of Oratorical Declamation is to acquaint students with notable examples of persuasive or inspirational literature and provide them an opportunity to develop skills of interpretation and delivery through the preparation and oral presentation of such examples.

  • Material: Material must come from appropriate printed, published sources and must meet high standards for good literature. Material can come from editorial, essays, speeches, commencement address, etc. and be pertinent to current issues.

Original Oratory (OO)

  • Definition: Original Oratory is the oral presentation of the student’s original persuasive speech.

  • Purpose: The purpose of Original Oratory is to guide students in audience analysis, topic selection, research, organization, and development of a sense of a literary style in a speech designed to express convictions and persuade an audience.

  • Material: Material must be original. The content, format, style and thoughts of the speech must be the product of the contestant. No more than 150 words in the speech may be direct quotation.

Special Occasion Speaking (SOS)

  • Definition: Special Occasion Speaking is the oral presentation of the student’s original speech where the student is himself or herself at his or her current age speaking in a realistic situation for the purpose of entertaining an audience.

  • Purpose: The purpose of Special Occasion Speaking is to provide an opportunity for contestants to present a practical message in an entertaining manner under simulated “real life” conditions organized around a central theme and designed to make a serious point through the use of humor.

  • Material: Material must be original. The content, format, style, and thought of the material must be solely the product of the contestant. No more than 150 words of the speech may be direct quotation.