Mental Health Service Providers

        Help is out there...

If you are concerned about keeping yourself or someone else safe and need someone to speak to now, please call one of the helplines below or click the links for more information: 

Emergency Services for Social, Emotional or Behavioral Needs

Offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be: Thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress.  Anyone can call or text 988 or chat for themselves or if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. 

provides information and referral for human services and crisis/ suicide prevention services serving Monroe, Wayne, Cayuga, Ontario, Livingston, and Seneca County. 211/LIFE LINE is committed to providing compassionate service for those struggling and in crisis. Get assistance and referrals for emergency food, shelter, clothing, crisis counseling, substance abuse issues, employment, financial and legal issues, physical and mental health needs, and more. 

Monday-Friday, 1-10 p.m.: 855-427-2736

Text MHA to 741741

The Churchville-Chili Central School District is enrolled in Safe School HelpLine, a toll-free number anyone can call to anonymously report health and safety concerns. The number, 1-800-4-1-VOICE, ext. 359 (800-418-6423 ext.359) is monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Reports may also be made by texting the word "TIPS" to 614-426-0240 or online at The company also has introduced the Safe School HelpLine app, available for both Apple and Android devices. This app quickly gives users all three options for reporting valuable information.


URMC Crisis Supports

Crisis Call Line

Mobile Crisis



Call 911 with any emergency.  The New York State 911 Good Samaritan Law allows people to call 911 without fear of arrest if they are having a drug or alcohol overdose that requires emergency medical care or if they witness someone overdosing.

Non-Emergency Services for Social, Emotional or Behavioral Needs

UR Supporting Our Students Resource Hub and Family Support

U of R provides a a one-stop shop for many local mental health resources, including, but not limited to: 

Mental Health Clinics

Child Practitioners & Nurse Practitioners

Private Practice Child Mental Health Therapists

Family Education Resources 

County Mental Health and Behavioral Health Resources:

Family Access & Connection Team (FACT)

Single Point of Access (SPOA)
