
Live Meet Schedule: 23-24 

High School Forensic Science:  Tuesdays & Fridays 

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm

These meets are through Google Classroom

Forensics Syllabus

Introduction and Course Review:

Welcome to Forensic Science with Columbia Virtual Academy!  This is an introductory course intended to familiarize students with forensics in relation to the criminal justice system and to provide a foundation in crime scene examination.  Forensics science is the study and application of science to the criminal and civil laws and involves the collection, examination, evaluation and interpretation of evidence.  This field encompasses many scientific areas which, if properly used, can make invaluable contributions to the resolution of social and legal disputes.  The course will review the basic applications of the biological, physical, chemical, medical, and behavioral sciences to questions of evidence and law.

Topics of Study:

Introduction to Forensics

Glass Analysis


Serology & DNA

Documents & Computers

Drugs & Alcohol

Hairs & Fibers

Firearms, Toolmarks & Impressions

Metal, Paint & Soil

Fire & Explosives

Class Expectations

I ask for each student to bring his/her "best" to my class each day and in return, I promise to be the best teacher that I can possibly be and provide an enriching learning experience.

Class Policies:




Grading Policy

Retake Policy (updated this year)

Final Semester average is calculated:

Grade Viewing Resources:

Parent/Student Portal (Infinite Campus) HERE