Spanish 4

Bienvenidos al nuevo curso escolar 2024 - 2025

We will sign up for Google Classroom sometime the first week of school. Here you will find resources (vocabulary words, idiomatic expressions of the week, examples of the skills and grammar reviews), and assignments. 

We will go over to sign up for your online textbook account Perspectivas. 

Other resources will be shared so that you can watch movies, TV series or even listen to music and podcasts in Spanish at home for enrichment. Remember that the best way to solidify your skills is by exposing yourself to the target language.  

Class syllabus 

If you have any questions, you may contact me via email: 

 Unidad 2: Con sabor

Culture: Mexico


Tutoring is offered as needed. Please make sure that you check with me for availability and that you come prepared with questions that you may have. Best days are Tues - Thurs.             

 Repaso de gramática. En estos vínculos puedes practicar conceptos de gramática para que no te olvides de las reglas.

Vínculos para practicar la destreza de escuchar

Vínculos para noticias escritas: 
