Period 8 (1945 - 1980)
College Board Key Concepts
AP Exam Weight: 10 - 17%
8.1 Contextualizing Period 8
8.2 Cold War from 1945-1980
8.3 The Red Scare
8.4 Economy after 1945
8.5 Culture after 1945
8.6 Early Steps in the Civil Rights Movement (1940s -1950s)
8.7 America as a World Power
8.8 The Vietnam War
8.9 The Great Society
8.10 The African American Civil Rights Movement (1960s)
8.11 The Civil Rights Movement Expands
9.12 Youth Culture of the 1960s
9.13 The Environment and Natural Resources from 1968-1980
9.14 Society in Transition
9.15 Continuity and Change in Period 8
Period 8 Power Point Presentation(s)

The Cold War, 1950 - 1963

The Civil Rights Movement, 1940s - 1960s

The Cold War (LBJ to Carter), 1960s - 1970s
Period 8 Essentials
Key Concept 8.1: The United States responded to an uncertain and unstable postwar world by asserting and working to maintain a position of global leadership, with far-reaching domestic and international consequences.
Key Concept 8.2: New movements for civil rights and liberal efforts to expand the role of government generated a range of political and cultural responses.
Key Concept 8.3: Postwar economic and demographic changes had far-reaching consequences for American society, politics, and culture.
AMSCO Reading Guides

The Early Cold War

The Eisenhower Years...Rockin' 50s

Turbulent Times...the 1960s

Limits of a Superpower: the Seventies 1969 - 1980
Period 8 Exam Review Materials
Heimler's History Period 8 Review 1
Heimler's History Period 8 Review 2
Hiemler's History Period 8 Review 3
Crash Course US History #37
Crash Course US History #38
Crash Course US History #39
Crash Course US History #40
Crash Course US History #41
Crash Course US History #42