Sumerlin's Sophomores

Hello Sophomores!

I am so excited to get the chance to meet and teach you this year. Sophomores are some of my favorite people in the whole school, and I should know because I've taught them all!

This year we are going to work on improving your writing and your close reading.  We're going to talk about resilience and what it means to be a person with grit! 

I am a STRONG Google Classroom user, so if you need help, please ask. Parents and Guardians! You can also sign  up on Google Classroom to receive emails about assignments and check your student's progress. Please let me know if you are interested in that! 

At the bottom of this website is information on how to sign up for Remind. 

Warriors Lead the Way!

Google Classroom Codes:


All Assignments are on Google Classroom


10th ELA Semester 1 Calendar 2023