Privacy & Security

What am I learning?

To learn how to protect my privacy online.

Why am I learning it?

To gain a better understanding of online privacy and how my online behavior can affect my privacy.

How will I know I learned it?

When I can:

  • Reflect on the concept of privacy, including what they feel comfortable sharing and with which people.

  • Analyze different ways that advertisers collect information about users to send them targeted ads.

  • Identify strategies for protecting their privacy, including opting out of specific features and analyzing app or website privacy policies.

Key Vocabulary

  • cookies

  • opt out

  • privacy

  • privacy policy

  • privacy settings

  • terms of service

Warm Up Game

Play the Letter H from the word ANYWHERE

Grade 8 - Being Aware of What You Share - Lesson Slides

Student Handout: Ad Detective

Grade 8 - Being Aware of What You Share - Ad Detective

Lesson Quiz

Extension Activity

Social Media Test Drive

Extension Activity

Provide students with a link to a privacy policy, such as those for Snapchat or Fortnite, and have them complete a Scavenger Hunt to find specific information such as:

  • what data the app or website collects

  • what data is collected from third parties

  • what data is shared with third parties

  • how long user data is stored