Relationships & Communication

What am I learning?

The appeal of digital media and how to maintain a healthy balance in my life.

Why am I learning it?

To understand the impact, both positive and negative that digital media has in my life.

How will I know I learned it?

  • Explore ways that different types of digital media are, and aren't, designed to help us make good media choices.

  • Reflect on how digital media is designed to either help or hinder the addition of meaning and value in our lives.

  • Think about how to develop good, healthy habits when using digital media.

Key Vocabulary

  • addictive design

  • feedback loop

  • habit

  • humane design

Grade 8 - Digital Media and Your Brain - Lesson Slides

Humane or a Brain Drain? Student Handout

Grade 8 - Digital Media and Your Brain - Humane or a Brain Drain? Student Handout

Interactive Quiz: NS Teens Challenge

Lesson Quiz

Extension Activity

Social Media Test Drive