
Process inquiry

The process of the inquiry was that first we talked about what specially we would like to learn about, so we decided to work on Art Therapy but for kids with depression, anxiety, emotional problems and more. So we start investigating and we discover many things that we didn't know! After that we started to organize all the information so it could be easier to understand.

Process in general

This process was in general because were difficult things to make. After the inquiry we started doing our website, this was very challenging because we didn't know much about this, but we started to be positive and we could finish and it was great!. And one of the last steps was our action.

Process action

The process of our action is that we wanted to create an Art Therapy workshop to do with the second graders. So then we had the meeting with Mrs.Diane and Mrs.Claudia and they approve our action so we decided to first introduce the concept of art therapy to them and tell them all the benefits that it has. And after that we are had a session with second graders and they had the opportunity to create a kind of art or mandala with objects around them, we played relaxing music.