
Our inquiry was a very important part of our exhibition, because we search and investigate a lot about how art therapy can help children in this pandemic. We focus a lot in children because we think that the pandemic affected more the little ones or the kids.

At the beginning we search about art therapy in general but then we discuss and decide to focus more on children and art therapy.

1 min Drawing Meditation and Mandalas Art for Stress Relief

Synthesis: This video is about a woman that is telling a way to calm down and to de-stresses yourself. She tells us that if you take one minute of your day, and draw a big circle in a paper, and then with calm draw vertical lines, can help you to be calm, and better mentally. Also this video help us because we can do this exercise with the second graders, when we are doing the action. And this will we wonderful, to teach the little ones exercises to learn to be calm.

How to process grief through art by AK Lander

This source is about a person that interviews three people who lost a close person, or do art. The first case is of a girl named Charlotte, she lost her father, and every day she writes and draws in her notebook, which is like her diary. The other case is of a mother who lost her daughter, and she says “I have found that drawing enables me to tap into deep body wisdom”, so she express her feelings thought drawing. And the last one is about a woman called Jackie Morris, she loves painting birds, and she says that “Many of my books have been used to help to open up discussions about grief, to help people, especially children, to find a safe place in which to talk about their feelings”. This source is a good connection between art and feelings.

Art Therapy Is More Important Now than Ever During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Guest Author for

This source is about how people with this pandemic (Covid-19) are becoming depressed and having mental problems. With the coronavirus, it is very important that people, especially children, have artistic therapy, because if they do not have it, they can become depressed and be very physically and mentally ill. Adults are getting depressed because they are out of work, because they do not have money to buy food, because their children are sick, and many other things. Something that children and adults get very depressed is because they cannot go out, and children also get depressed because they can't be with friends. Of the four most important benefits of art therapy, one of them is Personal development because it helps people discover their inner creativity buried under negative emotions or feelings of self-doubt. Most people have no idea how creative they are until they learn how to concentrate and control their emotions.

Mindful Creative Muse by Jennifer Casarella,

Synthesis: This source is about depression in kids. An example they give is how you can detect that a children is depressed, it says that when kids are depressed they could demonstrate changes in appetite, anger, fatigue, low energy and many more. It also explains that children can get depressed because they could have a family history with many depressions, also because they are worried because of something, or have problems at school or at home. At the end it explains that one of the treatments for depression could be psychotherapy.

Using Art For Healing – 7 Ways Healing Artwork Can Help You by Rachel Naomi Remen

Synthesis: This source is about a woman who says, "I am not an artist!" But she makes art, and also goes to contests and she also says this: "I found that the most satisfying emotional release for me came during the MAKING of the art, the creative process, and not from the end results! ! ". She writes down seven reasons why creative art hobbies can help you. One of them is the creative arts can help you express your emotions that are very difficult to express in words. I can create at any time, be it at 10 in the morning or at 10 at night ... the comfort of knowing that creativity is all around me every day ... be it cooking a great meal, dancing in a living room with my friends, or singing my favorite song, solving a problem at work or in my personal life, or sculpting clay ”. And other example is imaging can help you experience the catharsis (cleansing or purging) of intense emotional pain. Your art can help you understand yourself better and help close your pain.