About us

Isabella García

Hi, I am 11 years old, I was born in January 23rd, 2010 in Bogota, Colombia. I enjoy drawing, painting, dancing and all the ways to express myself. I am caring, and I love to help people.

Maria Antonia Martinez

Hi, I am 12 years old. I was born in March 25th, 2009 in Santiago de Chile, Chile. I enjoy dancing and painting. I am very friendly and caring.

Juan Martin Gomez

Hi, I am 10 years old , I was born in June 5th, 2010 in Cali, Colombia. I enjoy playing video games and I love to be with my mom and my dad and my sister.

I love spending time with my family, we play many table games, like Rumi Q, Ruta, Stop, Monopoly, Scrabble and many more, and it is so funny and cool. I also have a dog called Lanita, she is really cute and funny, she always want to play. I appreciate to pass time with my friends, Lucia A, Nathalie B, Mariana G and Maria Antonia M. They are so funny and lovely, we play many games like Roblox, Among us and many more.

I love spending time with my friends, Nathalie B, Emma G, Mariana G, Lucia A and Isabella G. We play Roblox and Among us. They are very funny and caring. We normally do some sleepovers, we call each other everyday and we laugh together.

I am so grateful to have an amazing family. We love to play board games and we laugh together. Normally when we are in the house we play with my dog Rocco and with my hamsters, they are so funny! Some days we see movies with popcorn and we feel like we where in the cinema.

With them I love to play games and do sport because when we go to the club Farallones. In the club my mom and my sister walk and me and my dad play tennis and that is one of my favorite things. My two favorite video games are Fortnite and Free Fire, I am really good in them. I love to eat hamburger and my favorite restaurant is Burger Stack. So that is some of my favorite things and some things about me.