Instructor How-Tos

MyCCMoodle is the official Learning Management System (LMS) at Casper College. All CC courses offer an online component through MyCCMoodle. MyCCMoodle allows faculty to:

 share resources, post announcements, collect and grade assignments, and more. 

Utilization of the MyCCMoodle Gradebook and posting of the course syllabus on MyCCMoodle is required for ALL CC courses. 


Casper College is using…MyCCMoodle Version 4.1; Upgraded: May 16, 2024.

ABOVE Video: Introduces users to new v. 4.1 features


Activity completion works hand-in-hand with Course Completion Tracking. Learn about Activity Completion before tackling Course Completion Tracking. 

Course Completion Tracking

Including: Course Completion Status Block. Same procedure and set-up for Moodle 4.1



Above: Overview of how to create an Assignment. 

Getting Started - Learn to Create

ABOVE VIDEOS: Assignment and Rubric in MyCCMoodle. Content covered:

i. Create MyCCMoodle Assignments     ii. Build and save rich RUBRICS and GRADING GUIDES

Carroll College Instructional Technologist, Ryan Hazen, M.Ed., presented on the CC campus and his 3-hour sessions were recorded. Both videos are of the same content but filmed on different days. Videos filmed via Yuja. 

For access to the MyCCMoodle content and resources he interacts with, please contact the DLC. 

MAXIMIZE VIEW-ABILITY: Clicking on the computer screen recording or on the room recording, within these videos, will make the selection larger. 

FULL SCREEN: click the gear icon in the lower right corner of the YuJa player window and select “External Player.”  This will open the YuJa video in a new window that will allow for full screen playback. 

Offline Assignment

Offline Assignment is used when the instructor is not collecting anything, or at least anything through MyCCMoodle, from the student. 

Say you want to utilize a rubric for a project your face-to-face students will bring to class. The students cannot submit that project in MyCCMoodle, but you want to give them feedback attached to their grade. Instead of manually entering an item in the Moodle Gradebook, use Offline Assignment! 

Setting up Offline Assignment

If you disable both file submissions and online text options in the  Edit Settings, you get an “offline assignment” type that’s used in a variety of ways.

While it does not require the students to “do” anything with an assignment configured this way – it has the following benefits:

Advanced Grading

You can also enable advanced grading for offline assignments. For example, you could have a grading rubric configured within an offline assignment to evaluate an in-class presentation or weekly participation within a separate discussion forum activity

This then provides the student with a space to receive more robust feedback than just giving a total score.

If you are not already familiar with the offline activity type, we encourage you to explore how it may improve your existing course design and grading practices! 

Granting Due Date Extensions

Instructors may grant due date extensions to one or more students in MyCCMoodle assignment activities.

Granting Due Date Extension

Course Restore

Accidentally import the wrong class into your new MyCCMoodle course?  Here's how get rid of the materials you mis-imported and replace them with the ones you wanted: 

Course backup files (.mbz) provide a way to move all of the contents of a MyCCMoodle course to a new location. The .mbz file is similar to a .zip archive file, and is a way to save the information from an entire course in one compressed package. 

1) BACKUP the course you want to import FROM (the old course you want to copy).  See document below

2) Use that backup file to RESTORE the course you are working in.  See document below

Backing up a Course

Click the above document for instructions on how to create a .mbz backup file. 

Video Notes: You most likely will want to backup the entire course, so selecting "Jump to Final Step," as discussed at 0:48 in the video, is OK. 

At 2:43 it discusses the "Download" option. You WILL NOT DOWNLOAD. You are done with the Backup at this point and ready for the Restore segment. 

Restoring a Course Backupfile to a Course

Click the above document for instructions on how to restore a .mbz backup file to a course. 


A great way to utilize MyCCMoodle Book activity is for a course syllabus! Simply turn the syllabus sections into Book chapters for easy navigation.  Check out the example in the DLC Hub course in Moodle!


Linking Forum Due Dates

If you set the "Expect completed on" date in the Activity completion section of the Forum settings, this will trigger the forum to display in the calendar and upcoming events with a due dates.   

NOTE: At this time, you cannot set reminder dates for each of the phases (such as when the original discussion prompt reply and individual replies to peers), but the teacher could certainly add a manual calendar event , as a reminder.

Sync to GoogleCalendar

Nov. 2021 Tips & Tricks

MyCCMoodle users can easily sync their MyCCMoodle calendars to their Gmail calendars. This way, users only need to manage one calendar. and benefit from mobile Gmail calendar notifications when Gmail is set up on a user’s mobile device. 

MyCCMoodle calendar can only be synced to Google Calendar and not the reverse.

Sync time maxes out at 365 days. If you want syncing to continue after the time has expired, you must repeat the simple sync process.  

Ready to Sync? Watch a short tutorial video 



Customize Block Image

The above tutorial demonstrates how to customize your Dashboard block.


2 ways to upload a file such as a course syllabus. 


Set up: Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.

Forum type

There are five forum types to choose from:


Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.


Using GoReact with Moodle Training

The above document (click it!) provides a wealth of GoReact tutorials for both instructors and student. Start here if you are new to GoReact!


Bulk Delete Manual Gradebook Items During Course Import

Drop the Lowest X Grade(s)

Be it assignments, quizzes, manual grade items, or any other grade activities, you can have MyCCMoodle automatically drop the lowest grade or grades in any category in the gradebook. You can also enable this ‘drop the lowest grade(s)’ feature for the entire gradebook. 


4. Then in the ‘Grade category’ section, click the ‘Show more…’ link.

5. At this point, you will see a setting titled, ‘Drop the lowest.’ Put the number of grades that you wish to drop in the box.
Scroll down and click the ‘Save changes’ button.***

6. Back on the ‘Gradebook setup’ page, the category will now indicate that the lowest value is being dropped.

***TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE: Check your course Aggregation settings (Natural = recommended).

You can only drop the lowest value in the following aggregations with the following situations:

Displaying Dropped Items

You might be interested in having MyCCMoodle display, to the student and to you in the User Report, which scores have been dropped.

To enable this, in the gradebook: 

Then, if you access the User Report and choose a user you will see MyCCMoodle displays the individual item weights as well as which items were dropped:  

Extra Credit

ExtraCreditInTheMoodleGradebook PDF FOR PRINTING AND SHARING.pdf

Click the document to enlarge.

Grade Dispay Type

Recommended Option:

To change how grades are displayed for the WHOLE COURSE: 

Alternate Option

To change how grades are displayed for PARTICULAR GRADE ITEMS, OR CATEOGRY and course summaries (called aggregations): 

Above: Updating How Grades Display in the Gradebook (Whole Course)

Above: Updating How Grades Display in the Gradebook (Particular items and Categories). Steps 1-2. 

Above: Updating How Grades Display in the Gradebook (Particular items and Categories). Steps 3-4


For more detailed info and Gradebook assistance, visit:

Gradebook - Ryan Hazen

Ryan Hazen from Carroll College came to CC to extensively cover all Gradebook features. These 3-hour demonstrations are amazing and enlightening!  Recorded via Yuja, click within the video to enlarge recorded areas. 

FULL SCREEN: click the gear icon in the lower right corner of the YuJa player window and select “External Player.”  This will open the YuJa video in a new window that will allow for full screen playback. 

Single View

One of the best time-saving tools in MyCCMoodle is Single View in the Moodle grade-book. Single View allows an instructor to view all of the course grades for a single activity or all of the grades for a single student. Single View also allows instructors to bulk-enter grades in the grade-book.

Check out the video to see Single View in action!

Submitting Grades to the Registrar

Submit your mid-term and final grades to the Registrar through MyCCMoodle. 

Note: Instructors must be mindful when submitting grades through a meta course; the video will explain. Submitting grades through MyCCMoodle allows instructors an alternative to submitting through MyCCInfo, though submitting through MyCCInfo is still an available option. 


Keep students engaged and on their toes as they watch a video! Learn how to use and create H5P interactive videos in MyCCMoodle. 

Can be used for Interactive videos,presentations, quizzes, games, interactive timelines etc.

Interactive Video

• A video with interactive elements appearing on the screen, including

annotations, questions, links.

• Grab the learners attention in short span of time.

• All question types can be configured to perform adaptive behavior.

• Allow bookmarking so that learners can skip to specified sections of the

video on demand.

Creating an H5P Activity Within MyCCMoodle

The process of creating an H5P activity within MyCCMoodle is similar to other Moodle activities. To begin creating content with H5P:

Viewing Student H5P Attempt in Gradebook

To view a student's attempt, enter the MyCCMoodle gradebook and click the + icon next to the student's grade: 

View student H5P attempt in the MyCCMoodle gradebook. 

Carroll College Instructional Technologist, Ryan Hazen, M.Ed., presented on the CC campus and his 3-hour session was recorded.

This is a hands-on training. For access to the MyCCMoodle content and resources he interacts with, please contact the DLC. 


There are many things to keep in mind when adding images to your course:

To answer one and two, an easy fix is to use the site  Pixabay has a large selection of copyright free images.  All of the content, on this site, can also be used without asking permission or giving credit to the artist.  It is a great resource for images and will help you avoid the worry of copyright infringement.

When you use images, please remember the following:

When you upload an image to MyCCMoodle, you are asked to provide a description for someone who cannot see it.  Please be sure to do this.  You can also resize your image in this menu, and choose where you'd like it within the activity or resource.

Once the image is uploaded, you can also add a caption within the activity or resource.

IMPORTING (Course Reuse)

Transferring Course Content and Materials

Importing course materials DOES NOT DELETE any materials  including those in the course you are importing to. e.g. items will merge. 

The above tutorial comes in handy when preparing new semester course shells! (If you want to import from a colleague's course, see the infographic, "Adding Course Participants and Assigning Roles."

Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.


If you import content from a prior term into a new course shell, you know how much work is involved in editing all of the assignments and quizzes to reflect the new term's due dates. We have a special "report" that allows us to update all of the dates in a course in one pass!

For a step by step guide, please click:

Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.


What it is and How it Works

A metacourse is a course that is "with" or linked to one or more courses for its student enrollment. Basically, if you are simultaneously teaching more than one section of the exact same course,  you can request to link all those courses together in one metacourse by 


*can only be created before classes begin. 

Therefore, you only have to operate and manage all the sections of the same course in that metacourse. 

Metacourses are highly popular and recommended! 

Concept note: When using a metacourse, MyCCMoodle calls the courses it is linked to child courses. Some people like to think of them as parent courses. In any case a metacourse has a kinship with one or more non-meta courses when it comes to enrollment. 
Metacourse Section Groups / Gradebook Groups
Open the above document to learn how to create groups in your metacourse so that each course section is represented independently in the Moodle gradebook. 


Same for v 4.1

1. MyCCMoodle Email:

2. Student Gmail Account:

It's important to utilize both platforms effectively to ensure comprehensive communication and timely responses. Here are some tips to manage them efficiently:

MyCCMoodle Email:

Student Gmail Account:

Maintaining regular checks on both platforms will ensure you stay informed about important updates, assignments, announcements, and opportunities within your courses and the Casper College at large.

Change Forum/Email Preferences

Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.


Download the MyCCMoodle mobile app on our Apple or Android device

ABOVE: Scan QR code to download the official MyCCMoodle mobile app 


Adding & Assigning Roles

Want another faculty member to access your course?

Need to immediately enroll a late-registering or transfer student to your course?

No need to contact the DLC.  You can easily add them!


Co-Editing Teachers have the exact same privileges as an Editing Teacher and will have access to the course until they are removed by the teacher of record. 


If a student registers or transfers into your course on or after the first day of the semester, the student will need to wait until the following morning for MyCCMoodle and Colleague to sync. As their instructor*, you can manually enroll them in your course the day of registration to bypass the wait. 

*Unless the situation is emergent, the DLC will not manually enroll students. Why? Instructors possess the confidence they are enrolling the correct student in the correct course and section. 

Click to enlarge

Incomplete Student

Have students that need extra time to complete a course after the semester has concluded? 

Filter for specific participants

Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.


Two online options:

Respondus LockDown Browser / + Monitor 

ProctorU Live+

Updated 8/26/2022 

STEP 1 - Syllabus Statement

First, open the MyCCMoodle General Template Course's syllabus (linked below) and copy/paste the right-to-require proctoring information statement into your syllabus! Modify it to meet your needs. It is not advised to add proctoring to your course without having a statement in your syllabus before class starts. 

STEP 2 - Choose a Proctoring Option

Second, review the links below to aid you in choosing the best online proctoring option for you. 

STEP 3 - Instructor Instructions

Now that you have chosen your proctoring option, you must set up the service within your class. View the corresponding instructor information link to do so. 

STEP 4 - Student Instructions

Finally, Inform, prepare, and educate your students. Share the corresponding link with your students. It will encompass everything they need to know. 

ProctorU - Reiterate to students that that they must:

a) create a ProctorU account (using CC credentials)

b) schedule and exam time with ProctorU.

STEP 5 - Practice Exam*

Respondus: Deploy a Practice Exam. Visit the "Getting Started" tab within your Respondus block in MyCCMoodle. 

*ProctorU exam practice unavailable. 

Proctoring via Other Systems

Responds and ProctorU allow proctoring of exams offered through publisher-based eLearning platforms such as McGraw Hill ALEKS and Pearson MyLab. MH Connect and Pearson Mindtap are not supported at this time. 

Respondus: Visit the "Other Systems" tab within your Respondus block in MyCCMoodle. For some publishers, you will need to reach out to your publisher representative to enable Respondus on their end (the DLC cannot contact publishers or make publisher-based program changes for you). 

ProctorU:  Instructors will need to enter exam information directly from their ProctorU account via It will look similar to how instructors set up exam information via the web browser extension in MyCCMoodle. 


Formatting for Import*

*Aiken is only one of the many file format types accepted in Moodle. If you need help determining which format works best for your document, please contact TERESA in the DLC

Watch the above video first if you have images within your document.

Watch the above video if you do not have images within your document (or you have removed them). 

Converting a WORD document to AIKEN format for Moodle Question Bank Import.docx

Above is the document referred to in the video "Part 2: Question Bank Formatting, Aiken."

Click the document to enlarge.

*Aiken is only one of the many file format types accepted in Moodle. If you need help determining which format works best for your document, please contact TERESA in the DLC


Is your question bank formatted and ready for MyCCMoodle import? If so, watch the above tutorial. 


Generating a Question Bank from TestGen


Instructions on how to upload Test Bank using TestGen


For more detailed info about Quiz, please click:

Save Attempts

If you’d like to allow your students to have more than one attempt on a quiz OR, if they have an issue--like the internet going out--during a quiz, and you’d like their answers to be saved...change this simple setting in your quiz, and you can make it happen! 

Click the infographic above for a quick reference guide.

Adaptive Modes

Moodle Quiz Adaptive Mode Infographic PDF.pdf

Want to give students unlimited attempts at quiz questions in pursuit of mastery?

The above document explains how to utilize the Adaptive Modes in MyCCMoodle Quiz.

Click the document to enlarge.

Interactive with multiple tries Mode

Moodle Quiz Interactive with multiple tries Infographic PDF.pdf

Want to give students limited attempts at and hints to quiz questions in pursuit of mastery?

The above document explains how to utilize the Interactive modes in MyCCMoodle Quiz.

Click the document to enlarge.

User Overrides

Want to grant a particular student extended time on a quiz? 

To change a quiz setting for a particular user or users:


Activity Completion

Activity completion info can be viewed by managers, teachers and non-editing teachers (and any other users with the capability report/progress:view)

TO ACCESS: Click the gear icon top right and select "More> Reports>Activity completion"

Teachers can mark activities complete on behalf of students by clicking into the relevant completion boxes.

RUBRICS / Grading Forms 

Sharing and Saving

Once you have created a grading form for use on a forum/assignment you can easily use it on other assignments in any course in which you are an Editing or Co-Editing Teacher. However, publishing/saving your grading form template will make it available to ALL Casper College MyCC Moodle instructors to use. (Their modifications will be saved individually and will not modify your saved template.) 

To Use a Published/Saved Grading Form Template

To use a grading form you or a colleague has created you must first navigate to the new forum/assignment and click on advanced grading which is found in the drop down gear icon. Then select "create new grading form from a template".

The following page will allow you to search available templates created by Casper College instructors and the DLC. To view YOUR saved templates click the check box for "include my own forms" and type the name of the grading form or leave it blank and hit search to view all your saved rubrics. 

Once you find the grading form you want to use you can scroll to the bottom of it and click the button that says " use this form as a template".

Sharing / Saving your Grading Form (for future use)

If you would like to share your grading form with all instructors, and your self, you must "publish the form as a new template."

To use a grading form that has been shared site wide you can search for it by name on the grading forms search or leave the search blank and hit search to view all templates available to you


The Scheduler activity helps instructors to schedule one-on-one appointments with students. Instructors specify the periods during which they are available to see the students and the length of each appointment. The students then book themselves into one of the available time-slots. The activity also lets instructors record the attendance, grade the appointment, and add files and attachments to the event. 

IDEA FOR USE: Organizing and managing student advising appointments, practicums, clinicals, site visits, scheduling in-person and Zoom meetings, etc.


What's really cool: an automated reminder of upcoming appointments can be sent to students! 

Getting Started with Scheduler: 

How to Set Up TEXT

How to Set Up VIDEO


Copy individual course items from one course to another.

Sharing Cart - UPDATED

Click the document to open and enlarge.


Demonstrates how to insert a web link to your MyCCMoodle course. Can be used to insert a GoogleDrive link as well. 




Thumbnail Creating and Uploading

Modifying Existing Video's Settings

Aligning an Embedded Video

Insert display video. Create Thumbnails. Left Align Videos PDF FOR SHARING.pdf

Click document to enlarge. 

Visibililty of course

Open the course for students


A wiki is a collection of collaboratively authored web documents. Basically, a wiki page is a web page everyone in your class can create together, right in the browser, without needing to know HTML. A wiki starts with one front page. Each author can add other pages to the wiki by simply creating a link to a page that doesn't exist yet.

As an example, Wikipedia is the largest wiki in the world. 

Wiki Best Practices and Ideas

Click the document to open and enlarge.


Learn how to fully use the MyCCMoodle Workshop activity as well as understand the pedagogy and best practice capabilities.  

Create Workshop Activity Guide 3.1.pdf

This is your first stop to learning MyCCMoodle Workshop! 

This is a worthy document to download and print out when learning and using Workshop....

This is your second stop to learning MyCCMoodle Workshop! 

This is a hands-on demonstration. It's recommended you do the activities as you watch the ENTIRE demo.  This is a very complex MyCCMoodle feature, but the most powerful one, so be patient with yourself and know the DLC is here to support you.  Please contact the DLC for access to the Moodle course materials and resources Ryan has participants use in the video. 

Student Guide to Moodle Workshop.pdf

It's highly recommended you share this document to your students. You can download this Word document to your computer.