Mathematics/ Pangarau

Teaching maths brilliantly

Phase 1

Teaching maths brilliantly

Phase 2

Teaching maths brilliantly

Phase 3


An overview of the Common Practice Model, and how it connects with other areas of the Ministry’s work, such as Te Whāriki and Te Mātaiaho | the refreshed New Zealand Curriculum.

Analysing and using data from EasTTle

Watch clip here - Easttle student view.

E-aSSTLe has run some updates in their software - see HERE for some really important advice about when to run some e-aSSTLe functions to avoid technical issues.

Common Practice Model

Catalogue of resources - CPM to be implemented from Term 1 2024

Link here for more information

Curriculum Refresh

Literacy, communication and Maths Strategy. Can be found here

EasTTle - tracking individual or target students progress

Literacy & Communication and Mathematics Action Plans here - August 2022

The latest information on the refresh- Action plans including the Common Practice Model.  

The Roadmap

An indicative timeline - August 2022

The timeline  outlines some of the other key steps  being taken over the next 18 months, with an indication of when this work will occur

Developing the Common Practice Model

Professional development for kaiako

Maths tracker

You can use this document to track the breadth  of mathematics that you cover on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis.  There are some links to some some NZ maths unit plans in each level.  Please make a copy of this document for yourself here

Matariki Maths Units

Here are some excellent units from NZMaths. These units build the learning of mathematics around celebrations of Matariki, the Māori New Year. The sessions provide meaningful contexts that highlight Māori culture and provide powerful learning opportunities that connect different strands of mathematics.  Find the connections to the ANZHC





An excellent online tool featuring starters, manipulatives, printables, puzzles, grids, etc

Featuring a good range of 10 question sets, they can be done manually or timed. Answers are available next to questions. 

 NZ Basic facts website, you choose the level and activities.  Activities can be printed or completed online

Māori Language Week 12-18 Mahuru

Here is a pangarau unit - Whakataukī

Te Mātaiaho - The refreshed NZ curriculum