Band Apps


Use for practicing to be sure you're playing the correct notes.

It's now available to use on any device - computer, chromebook, phone, iPad, tablet.

Use this link to get there, and then bookmark it in your browser for easy access.

Make sure to enable your microphone access for the site on your device.

Concert Band Music Listening Audio

Listen to the videos below to help in practicing at home!

Rhythm Randomizer

Generate random rhythms and choose any note to play them on.

Focus on tapping your toe to the beat, and tonguing every note, or if you're percussion, holding the sticks correctly and keeping your stick heights low. 

Click "Start Metronome" to play along with the metronome to tap your toe with the beat.

Click "Start Playback" to hear if what you played was correct.

Click "New Rhythm" to generate a new random rhythm.