Please check this website every week for new band announcements!

Bus Permission Form Required 

for Friday Morning High School Band Rehearsals

Bullskin Band Parents/Guardians,

Our first Friday morning district band rehearsal at the Senior High School is next week, March 14th! The excitement begins..200 elementary band students from all four elementary buildings in our district! This is an exciting time for your young musician! 

If your child is currently or happens to suddenly become nervous with performance anxiety as we get closer to March 14th, please let them know that our goal is to blend their sound in with the other students and to not stick out, and it is normal to be nervous when starting something new, and that they will be fine! They will not be the only students that make mistakes! Everyone on that stage will make mistakes, including myself! Nobody is perfect! The band directors are expecting them to make mistakes! That is normal. The best way to combat nervousness is to be as prepared as possible and practice away the nervousness, which then will turn into confidence and excitement!

In order for your child to participate in the concert, bus transportation is required to get to the Senior High School stage/auditorium for the Friday morning rehearsals. I am distributing Bus Transportation Forms to your students this week for them to bring home to you, sign, and then to be returned to the school. The permission form is below, so if the form doesn't make it to you, you have it here. Cadet Band & Concert Band students will get them throughout the week when I can see them, either at their lesson, band class, music class, or at chorus class

Since we have very few days until the first rehearsal, please sign and return this form ASAP in order for your student to attend rehearsals. Students cannot participate in the evening concert on April 11th if they are not permitted to attend rehearsals at the Senior High School. Musical preparation at CAHS in the full band is necessary in order to perform as a group together. All musicians must be on the same page. 

Thank you,

- Mr. Eutsey

Bus Transport Form - District Band 2025.pdf
2025 District Spring Newsletter - Rehearsal Dates and Concert Info.pdf
25 Spring Concert Band Concert Newsletter.pdf


This Band Class will take place every Monday starting on the 13th until the end of the school year. 

The beginner "Cadet Band" will come together as a real wind band starting on Monday, January 13th! 

Cadet Band will need to bring their instruments on Mondays, and on their lesson day. Many of them have their lesson on Mondays already, so Monday lesson folks, just keep doing what you're doing! 

Adding Band Class on Mondays affects the Friday Trumpet and Trombone students needing to also bring their instruments on all Mondays for Band Class in addition to their Friday weekly lesson, for the rest of this school year. Tuba and Baritone students bring their mouthpieces and sheet music on Mondays for Band Class and Fridays for their weekly lesson. 

We will have rehearsal every Monday starting January 13th  to the end of the school year. This is where the very fun part about playing an instrument begins, playing as a real band, together.

Reminder to parents/guardians: Band Class takes place during the school day. 2:30pm - 3:10pm. It does not require any after school transportation. I've gotten emails in the past about this. 

Please be sure that your students practice this week. Recommended 20-30 minutes a day minimum in a perfect world. I recommend creating a schedule of balance with all life activities, where practicing is part of the weekly schedule at the same time of the evening on certain days when it is possible, with other activities/homework in mind. 

Practicing at home is the equivalent to homework in other academic subjects. 

Practicing at home eliminates frustration and increases confidence....and increases the fun factor in band class! Just like everything else, you will get as much out of band as you put into it. 

Please practice only on the days that you eat. 

- Mr. Eutsey

5th Grade Concert Band Weekly Lesson Schedule (2nd year students)

Tuesdays - flutes, trombones, baritones Estefany & Trevor

Wednesdays - trumpets, tubas, clarinets, saxophones

Thursdays - percussion

Please be sure that your Concert Band student brings their instrument and folder to school on their above lesson day and every Thursday throughout this school year. 

Beginner Cadet Band Students Weekly Lesson Schedule 

(1st year students)

Mondays - saxophones, clarinets, flutes, percussion & trumpets: Mason, Lily, Brynlie, Katlyn

Fridays - trombone, baritones: Isaac & Colton, tubas, and trumpets: Kendall, Kyla, Annie - baritones: Kaydence & Jenna

Please be sure that your Cadet Band student brings their instrument and folder to school on their above lesson day and every Monday starting January 13th throughout this school year. 

Band Class Schedule





Lesson Books & Materials Info Handout.pdf