Curriculum Resources

The Let's Go Curriculum has been used by hundreds of teachers throughout the state and is designed to support students' learning progression from the basics of bicycling to navigating traffic in a built environment. 

Like all curriculum, it is a tool that teachers can use to outline their lessons , but it not rigid. We encourage teachers to adapt the lessons to their students' needs and get creative with games and activities.

Slide Decks and Classroom Presentations

Use this folder3 to flip through some different slide deck presentations that teachers have used to introduce lessons to their classes before getting on bikes. If you have a projector or TV in your gym, consider using or modifying one of these slide decks for your lessons.

Let's Go Videos

Want to see the lessons live in action? Check out all of our Let's Go classroom videos.

Teacher Training Resources

Slides from various teacher trainings around the state:

Curriculum Meets OSPI Standards

The Let's Go curriculum meets multiple OSPI Health and Physical Education standards. See this reference guide to determine which standards can be met with this program.

Appreciation for and Acknowledgement of Resources 

1Ian Woodford, Association for Educational Service Districts (AESD)

2Devon Fender, Vancouver School District& Bike Clark County

3Eric Bindewald, Vancouver School District; Pan Mairs, Vancouver School District; Angela King, Everett School Districts; Delicia Van Harmelen, Bellingham School District