Additional Resources

The Let's Go Bicycle Education Program is part of a larger project to inspire and prepare the next generation of Washingtonians who see bicycling as their primary means of transportation. We hope this program can be a catalyst for community events, inclusive practices, and long-term behavioral change through the joys of riding outside.

The resources below can help teachers expand the impacts of the program beyond the gymnasium walls. If you have additional resources, please share them with us.

Adaptive Trike Resources

With great appreciation for our partners at Outdoors for All, we're excited to share a few additional resources to support working with students with disabilities.

Outdoor Programming

When the weather and facility permits, bringing this program outside can greatly enhance the experience for both teachers and students. Consider the following best practices and reflections questions for outdoor programming:

Community Events

May is Bike to School Month

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Resources

Walk, Bike, and Roll to School

Classroom Management

Setting up clear expectations and redirecting students towards positive behavior are key parts of a successful program. If you're struggling with classroom management, consider the following interventions:

Additional Videos

Safe Bicycle Riding Tips: Bicycle Safer Journey

Helmet Safety: Watermelon Helmet Safety Demonstration

Let's Go Program Video: A Bike of My Own

League of American Bicyclists: Ride Smart Videos

Parent and Family Communications