You still may not have finished your 24-panel anecdote comic yet, but hopefully you are chipping away at it by drawing comics every day. Once it is complete, the crucial next step is to share it with other people. Only then will you receive feedback, which, if you are open to it (and if it's useful feedback!), can help you improve your cartooning.  


Once you complete your 24-panel anecdote comic, share it with people! The easiest way to do this is to take the physical comic (if you have one) and hand it to your family and/or friends and have them read it. Let the work speak for itself and allow the reader to interact with the comic without interruption. When they are done, see if they had any trouble understanding any part of the story. Was anything unclear? Where did they get caught up? What was their favorite part? If three or four readers give you the same feedback, they might be onto something. Think about how to incorporate that feedback into your next comic.

Another option is to share your comic online. If you worked digitally, you are all set! If you drew an "analog" comic you may need to scan it or take a picture of it with your cell phone. Post the images in a free Instagram account.  Shoot an email out to your friends and family to let them know you drew a new comic and ask for their feedback.




Unlike literary fiction, self-publishing in comics has never been stigmatized. From Maus to Bone to Hark A Vagrant to Check Please!, so many great comics began as a self publishing ventures and went on to become traditionally published mega-hits. 

FINAL WORDS by Erma Bombeck, humorist and best-selling author

"It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else."

If you post your work from this week online, make sure to use the hashtag

#CCS1WeekWorkout so that other workout students can check out your work!