Crafting a story with a beginning, middle and an end can be harder than you think. Rather than making something up from whole cloth, this day's challenge asks you to write a story you've already told to friends or family.


Write a story that you have told verbally at least three times. It could be something funny that happened, the story of a scar, a dramatic pet story, or how you met your partner or best friend. Using only words, start writing your story the same way you would tell the story out loud. As you write, keep your pen moving for at least ten minutes without stopping. If you finish one story before ten minutes is up, start another!


  • As you write you may recall details that you hadn't remembered before you started. Explore whatever new territory is presented.

  • If you are having trouble with the writing, try making an audio recording of yourself telling one of the stories first. Listen to it then re-record the story jettisoning unnecessary details or exaggerating others for comedic or dramatic effect. It's okay to fictionalize your story if it feels more liberating.

  • Think about which parts of your story could be conveyed visually with the drawings, which could be dialogue in speech balloons, and which would be narration (if necessary).


  • If you enjoy this exercise and want to go more in-depth, check out Lynda Barry's incredibly inspiring books What It Is and Syllabus. While you are tracking those down, head over to Lynda Barry's instagram where she posts lots of little writing and drawing assignments for us, her students.


First time's the charm? Not always! CCS's comic book This Is What Democracy Looks Like went through six drafts before we were finally happy with it. From first draft to printed comic book took an entire year. If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

FINAL WORDS by Grace Paley, Writer

"Any story told twice is a fiction."

If you post your work from this week online, make sure to use the hashtag

#CCS1WeekWorkout so that other workout students can check out your work!