Journaling is a great way to organize your thoughts, understand your emotions, keep track of your goals, and inspire creativity. By journaling regularly, you can improve your writing, boost your memory, and allow time for self reflection. Sometimes a prompt, or question, can help get you started. Try some of the prompts below.

Mindfulness Journal Prompts

  • What around you right now makes you smile?

  • Write a list of moments that you will never forget.

  • I am grateful for......

  • Sit quietly and just think for five minutes. What thoughts go through your head?

  • What are the three qualities I love most about myself?

  • What do I want to achieve in the next week, month, and year?

  • How do I feel about myself right now?

  • What brings you happiness?

  • I am happiest when.....

  • What are your goals for this month?

  • Write down one good thing that happened to you today.

  • Name 5 things you are doing well currently.

  • What family members are you most grateful for? Write about what makes them special.

  • I feel energized when....