Guided Meditation

Meditation can be a great way to cope with stress. In addition to reducing stress, meditation can help symptoms of anxiety, promote better sleep, enhance self-awareness, promote emotional health, and help with age-related memory loss. Meditation can be difficult for beginners. If you're interested in trying meditation with some guidance, take a look at the step by step guide below. Please feel free to try some of the links below as well.

Basic Meditation

This involves sitting in a comfortable position and using the breath as a point of focus. If you find yourself distracted by other thoughts or find your mind wandering, gently redirect your focus back toward your breaths.

Step 1: Get Into a Comfortable Position

Step 2: Close Your Eyes Gently

Step 3: Put Thoughts Aside- While you can't control your thoughts, you can control how much power they have over you. This doesn't mean you should ignore or suppress them, but simply remain calm, note them, and then use your breathing to bring you back to the moment.

Step 4: Keep Going-That’s it, really! Keep putting aside any thoughts that may pop into your mind. The quiet spaces between thoughts will become longer and more frequent the longer you practice.

Some key things to note about meditation:

  • Give it time. Meditation takes practice and a lot of it.

  • Start Small and Work Up-Begin with a short session of 5 minutes. After you are comfortable, move to 10 or 15 minutes until you are comfortable meditating for 30-minute sessions.

  • Track Your Time and Set Goals- To combat any thoughts of defeat, you may want to set a timer.

  • Try Another Style of Meditation

  • If the experience is frustrating for you and you don’t really want to continue, you may find more success with other types of meditation like the karate breathing meditation.

  • Body Scan

One-minute- Let Go of Stress (anxiety)

3- minute breathing

Check out some of these wonderful Apps you can use today for more resources: HeadSpace, Insight timer, 10 Percent Happier, and Calm.

Gratitude Meditation

Visualization Meditation

Activity-Oriented Meditation

Self compassion Meditation

Yoga Meditation