Essay Help!

Click here for printable Essay Outline & Ideas! (once open, click "File- Make a copy" for yourself)

A few important things to remember:

  • Write ONE GOOD ESSAY- do not rewrite your essay for every scholarship- use the tutorial video linked in the printout (to the left!). This of course excludes topic specific scholarships like, "tell us why McDonalds is your favorite," etc. This essay can apply to ALL SCHOLARSHIPS!!

  • WRITE IT EARLY: do NOT wait until January to write this- I promise you will not get it done in time. Write this NOW and share it with your Counselor or teacher to get some editing support (Mrs. Gordon-Johnson will edit it for you if you come ask nicely!)

  • This essay should be ONE PAGE single spaced with your NAME ONLY on top!

  • Allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic- scholarships go to students who share a bit about themselves.

  • ALWAYS include your adversity AND your goals- regardless of what they ask!

  • Please email Mrs. Gordon-Johnson if you have any questions at all