Third Place - JUMP

Jump - By Isla Ye

Pain. The only way to describe the breathtaking, stomach-dropping feeling called fear. A dark, empty, bottomless pit of shame, swallowing you whole with no escape. The numb feeling of anxiety and fright, taking control over your body, stopping you from uttering a single word, or crying for help. No matter what, it always seems like it will never go away.

This is it. The day Asami’s life changes forever. From once being stuck as the little trapeze artist's daughter, to now being part of the act, living her dream as a member of The Grand Duke Circus. She slipped on her radiant ruby leotard, the sparkly gems matching her skunk-coloured hair. Her makeup was simple, but glamorous, like a dazzling crystal.  Looking in the shiny mirror in front of her, Asami stood confidently. 

“Asami, hurry up.” Her mother yelled impatiently. She rushed down the steps of her beige caravan and sprinted outside. The delectable smell of sweet cotton candy and salty, buttery popcorn drifted through the air, a scent she would never get enough of. As they entered through the luminous curtains, the flashing neon lights lit up the equipment, from the large rectangular turquoise shark tank, to the tall slim bars swaying above. She was ready. 

Large noisy crowds rushed to the stands, securing the best seats to witness the debut of the new circus member. As the bright lights began to dim, the crowd hushed.

“Welcome, come one, come all, to The Grand Duke Circus!” The ringmaster said, cueing Asami. Asami was placed just below the towering metal podium, waiting to start climbing up the rigged ladder. The intense yellow rays from the spotlight shone brightly onto her face, blinding her sight of the platform. Without thinking, she started to climb up, ignoring the fact that her hands were shaking. Why was that happening to her? Her breath began to shorten, gazing down at the terrifying sight of being 20ft high in the air. 

‘Just do it Asami.’ She thought, but the ringing in her ears didn’t die down. Instead, the excited butterflies in her stomach had turned into agitated snakes, desperate to escape one way or another. 

“Just jump! You're holding us all up.” A man in the crowd yelled, followed by a few mutters in agreement. She began to hyperventilate, the audience chanting frightening her even more. She clung onto the iron handrail, sinking slowly into a ball to stop herself from falling forward and plunging towards the dusty circus floor. 

“Asami!” A reassuring voice below called out. She quickly turned her head to see her mother, waving her arms frantically to catch her attention.

“You can do it!” A bright smile plastered across her mother's face, allowing Asami to relax and come back to focus. She stood up, taking deep, immense heavy breaths. She could do it. As long as she believes in herself, she can make it happen. Approaching the bar, she quickly gripped onto the shiny handle with her blistered, rough hands from her training sessions. Taking one more breath, she flew across the tent, soaring through the crowds. A roar of cheers escaped their mouths, chanting her name in unison. She hoisted her legs up and let go, launching herself into a series of astonishing flips and turns. Swiftly catching the bar, she twirled hastily, spraying a shower of glitter to finish off her act. 

She slowly descended down towards the powdery stage, an eruption of claps bouncing off the tent curtains. Her face lit up in contentment, grinning from ear to ear in satisfaction. She finally felt at peace.